Does blue make you blue?

Max Spevack mspevack at
Wed Jul 30 19:31:51 UTC 2008

On Wed, 30 Jul 2008, Gian Paolo Mureddu wrote:

> In my opinion Blue has become part of the Fedora identity, from the 
> Logo to the desktop themes and defaults.  Sure some other colors 
> blended in with it are welcome, but I do believe that Blue now has an 
> identity to Fedora as much as red did for Red Hat back in the day (I 
> mean in the days of Red Hat Linux as the free version of Red Hat).

Blue = Fedora.  Mix in some other stuff as appropriate, but I believe 
that Blue is now "our" color.  We shouldn't give that up.  Ubuntu has 
brown, OpenSuse has green.  Red Hat has red.  We have blue. 
Personally, I like that we maintain that general blue-ish feel.  Play 
with the shades if you like, mix in some spice and variety if you like, 
but I think Fedora should always be identifiable with the color blue.

Just my $.02,

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