Procmail gibt nicht an cyrus weiter

Holm Kapschitzki holm at
Sat Oct 15 21:26:43 UTC 2005


ok, nochmal von vorne:

Hm, da ich einige Parameter in dr Zwischenzeit geändert habe nun noch mal ne zusammenfassung:

Also, so solls aussehen:

FETCHMAIL -> abholen
PROCMAIL -> sortieren
POSTFIX -> mta, kann mails empfangen und versenden
CYRUS-IMAP -> imap server

Die Mails werden mittels FETCHMAIL von den jeweiligen Mailservern geholt, an PROCMAIL weitergericht und dort gefiltert. Danach werden die Mails mittles CYRUS-IMAPD allen Usern zur Verfügung gestellt. Als MTA kommt POSTFIX zum Einsatz.

Ich habe wie gesagt die mailbox user.antorox angelegt und der cyrus imap server läuft auch. Genauso wie postfix.

Jetzt nochmal meine confs:


configdirectory: /var/lib/imap
partition-default: /var/spool/imap
admins: cyrus
sievedir: /var/lib/imap/sieve
sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail
hashimapspool: true
sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
sasl_mech_list: PLAIN
tls_cert_file: /usr/share/ssl/certs/cyrus-imapd.pem
tls_key_file: /usr/share/ssl/certs/cyrus-imapd.pem
tls_ca_file: /usr/share/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt


soft_bounce = no
queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix
command_directory = /usr/sbin
daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix
mail_owner = postfix
default_privs = nobody
myhostname = base
mydomain = base.local
myorigin = $myhostname
inet_interfaces = all
mydestination = $base.local, localhost.$base.local, localhost
unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550
mynetworks_style = host
mynetworks =,
relay_domains = $mydestination
relayhost = []
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
debug_peer_level = 2
debugger_command =
xxgdb $daemon_directory/$process_name $process_id & sleep 5
sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix
newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases.postfix
mailq_path = /usr/bin/mailq.postfix
setgid_group = postdrop
html_directory = no
manpage_directory = /usr/share/man
sample_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-2.1.5/samples
readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-2.1.5/README_FILES
mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail -t -a $EXTENSION
mailbox_transport = cyrus


# ====================================================================== ====
# service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command + args
# (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
# ====================================================================== ====
smtp inet n - n - - smtpd
#smtps inet n - n - - smtpd
# -o smtpd_tls_wrappermode=yes -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
#submission inet n - n - - smtpd
# -o smtpd_enforce_tls=yes -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes -o smtpd_etrn_restrictions=reject
#628 inet n - n - - qmqpd
pickup fifo n - n 60 1 pickup
cleanup unix n - n - 0 cleanup
qmgr fifo n - n 300 1 qmgr
#qmgr fifo n - n 300 1 oqmgr
#tlsmgr fifo - - n 300 1 tlsmgr
rewrite unix - - n - - trivial-rewrite
bounce unix - - n - 0 bounce
defer unix - - n - 0 bounce
trace unix - - n - 0 bounce
verify unix - - n - 1 verify
flush unix n - n 1000? 0 flush
proxymap unix - - n - - proxymap
smtp unix - - n - - smtp
relay unix - - n - - smtp
# -o smtp_helo_timeout=5 -o smtp_connect_timeout=5
showq unix n - n - - showq
error unix - - n - - error
local unix - n n - - local
virtual unix - n n - - virtual
lmtp unix - - n - - lmtp
anvil unix - - n - 1 anvil
# Interfaces to non-Postfix software. Be sure to examine the manual
# pages of the non-Postfix software to find out what options it wants.
# maildrop. See the Postfix MAILDROP_README file for details.
maildrop unix - n n - - pipe
flags=DRhu user=vmail argv=/usr/local/bin/maildrop -d ${recipient}
# The Cyrus deliver program has changed incompatibly, multiple times.
old-cyrus unix - n n - - pipe
flags=R user=cyrus argv=/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/deliver -e -m ${extension} ${user}
# Cyrus 2.1.5 (Amos Gouaux)
# Also specify in cyrus_destination_recipient_limit=1
cyrus unix - n n - - pipe
user=cyrus argv=/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/deliver -e -r ${sender} -m ${extension} ${user}
uucp unix - n n - - pipe
flags=Fqhu user=uucp argv=uux -r -n -z -a$sender - $nexthop!rmail ($recipient)
ifmail unix - n n - - pipe
flags=F user=ftn argv=/usr/lib/ifmail/ifmail -r $nexthop ($recipient)
bsmtp unix - n n - - pipe
flags=Fq. user=foo argv=/usr/local/sbin/bsmtp -f $sender $nexthop $recipient



# standard standalone server implementation

# do not delete this entry!
recover cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -r"

# this is only necessary if using idled for IMAP IDLE
idled cmd="idled"

# UNIX sockets start with a slash and are put into /var/lib/imap/sockets
# add or remove based on preferences
imap cmd="imapd" listen="imap" prefork=5
imaps cmd="imapd -s" listen="imaps" prefork=1
pop3 cmd="pop3d" listen="pop3" prefork=3
pop3s cmd="pop3d -s" listen="pop3s" prefork=1
sieve cmd="timsieved" listen="sieve" prefork=0

# these are only necessary if receiving/exporting usenet via NNTP
# nntp cmd="nntpd" listen="nntp" prefork=3
# nntps cmd="nntpd -s" listen="nntps" prefork=1

# at least one LMTP is required for delivery
# lmtp cmd="lmtpd" listen="lmtp" prefork=0
lmtpunix cmd="lmtpd -a" listen="/var/spool/postfix/public/lmtp"" prefork=1

# this is only necessary if using notifications
# notify cmd="notifyd" listen="/var/lib/imap/socket/notify" proto="udp" prefork=1

# this is required
checkpoint cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -c" period=30

# this is only necessary if using duplicate delivery suppression,
# Sieve or NNTP
delprune cmd="cyr_expire -E 3" at=0400

# this is only necessary if caching TLS sessions
tlsprune cmd="tls_prune" at=0400




* ^TO.*antorox at
|/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/deliver -a antorox -m user.antorox



poll protocol pop3 user antorox at password geheim mda "/usr/bin/procmail -t -a \$EXTENSION "


die beiden Dateien procmailrc und fetchmailrc ligen in Home Verzeichnis von Antorox.

Ich logge mich als User Antorox ein und starte fetchmail mit : fetchmail -v

In der log procmail steht wie gesagt immer:

Subject: fdbdbdsbsb
Folder: /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/deliver -a antorox -m user.antorox 1382
couldn't connect to lmtpd: Permission denied

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Holm Kapschitzki
mailto:holm at

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