Composite and Metacity.

Gain Paolo Mureddu gmureddu at
Mon Feb 7 04:21:23 UTC 2005

Gian Paolo Mureddu wrote:

>       I've tried to enable dropshadows in two systems running FC3, in 
> both I stumbled into problems with Metacity. In one system with an 
> nVidia GF FX5900, window borders would be transparent, and only 
> "unmanaged" (borderless) windows would cast shadows (menus, dragged 
> icons, etc), while managed windows would not, the window border would 
> be traslucent, and not cast a shadow. The other system, a laptop, will 
> not focus windows when loged into GNOME, I cannot even run xcompmgr to 
> activate dropshadows when I have active the Composite and RENDER 
> extensions. However KDE works in both systems just fine with 
> dropshadows, why isn't Metacity working as it should? Is there 
> somethening that can be done, do I need a newer metacity or a patched 
> one?
> Thanks.
Another update... though the metacity bug as solved, One that was 
present and I did not play much attention to, still bugs the system in 
GNOME: The close session panel will not come up, the system will "hang" 
whenever I press the log-out button.
This issue was already asked in the main fedora-list, but I wonder if 
the solution found there still applies in this case.

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