[fedora-java] generating a cdt 3.0 tarball

Ben Konrath bkonrath at redhat.com
Fri Mar 18 04:59:43 UTC 2005

Hey Phil/Rick, 

Here are some updated instructions for generating the CDT 3.0M5 tarball.
I couldn't actually find the 3.0 tag so I just put "**3.0TAG**" in the
sed line so you'll have to track it down (if it exists). If the repo
hasn't been tagged, then we're stuck with HEAD I suppose.

% mkdir temp && cd temp 
% /usr/share/eclipse/buildscripts/copy-platform SDK /usr/share/eclipse
% mkdir home
% cvs -d :pserver:anonymous dev eclipse org:/home/tools co \
% cd org.eclipse.cdt-releng/org.eclipse.cdt.releng
% sed --in-place 's/HEAD/**3.0TAG**/' maps/cdt.map
% java -cp ../../SDK/startup.jar \
    -Duser.home=../../home \  
    org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main \
    -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner \
    -buildfile build.xml \
    -DbaseLocation=/user/share/eclipse \
    -DdontUnzip=true fetch
% cd .. && tar zcf eclipse-cdt-fetched-src-2.1.tar.gz org.eclipse.cdt.releng

I just tried this from HEAD and it seems to be be working with gij now!
If you have any problems, feel free to ping me. 

Cheers, Ben

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