Executable memory: some apps that work on RH9 don't on FC1

Tim Daly daly at rio.sci.ccny.cuny.edu
Mon Nov 17 18:47:04 UTC 2003


I just built a machine with the latest Fedora and tried to build Axiom.
Axiom depends on GCL, Gnu Common Lisp. It appears that all of the 
lisps are broken under the new memory model.

Can you give me some pointers to any documentation or source code in
Fedora that might give me a clue about how to fix this? I understand
there might be a compiler switch but haven't found any documentation.

Tim Daly
axiom at tenkan.org
daly at idsi.net


> The official binary of mit-scheme 7.7.1 (http://www.gnu.org/software/mit-scheme)
> segfaults if called with 'scheme -compiler'. In this case the scheme main
> program load a 'band' called compiler.com, which contains executable code.
> Could somebody investigate this issue? I am not that familiar with problems
> like this.

If this binary was created with old tools and has no PT_GNU_STACK marker,
then it should get executable stack by default.  More likely the issue is
that it calls malloc and expects the memory returned to be executable.
The Scheme runtime needs to be changed to use mmap when executability matters.

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