Package pruning for FC4 and beyond - COMPLETE LIST

Chris Adams cmadams at
Tue Mar 1 14:36:50 UTC 2005

Once upon a time, Rahul Sundaram <rahulsundaram at> said:
> let me get this straight. if its called fedora core
> and is in ISO images, its there and if its in fedora
> extras as rpm packages, it goes away?

Hey, let's just put the kernel and a static shell on a CD; you can get
the rest over the Internet!

Objectives of Fedora Core:
1. Create a complete general-purpose operating system with capabilities
   equivalent to competing operating systems, ...
6. Emphasize usability and a "just works" philosophy in selecting
   default configuration and designing features.
8. Include a range of popular packages, beyond those included in Red
   Hat's commercially supported products. (Limited, of course, to
   packages that Red Hat can legally provide; also limited to quality
   packages as defined by our standards.)

If the plan is to chuck everything possible to Extras, then someone
should go update the Objectives.  Competing operating systems include
sudo or something like it.

Chris Adams <cmadams at>
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

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