Fedora Bounties (seeking ideas)

Joost Soeterbroek fedora at soeterbroek.com
Mon Apr 17 18:21:09 UTC 2006

Patrick W. Barnes wrote:
> Now, Google has just announced the Summer of Code 2006.  Although the Fedora 
> Project has not yet applied to participate this year, I suspect we are likely 
> to do so.  However, our Fedora Bounties list is now quite short.  We need 
> fresh ideas.  If there are any projects that you would like to see, please 
> add them to the FedoraBounties page.  These can include ideas that you may 
> have had but don't have time to work on, problems that you have encountered 
> that need attention, or tools you really wish we had.

idea: YUM Fedora internal update server ('reposerver')

How about a project for tools/utilities to create, maintain 
fedora/custom yum repositories behind the corporate firewall.

  - local mirror for fedora repositories (core, extras etc.)
  - Custom repos
  - Ability to merge repos to create custom, tested 'releases' (read: 


Joost Soeterbroek

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