Customize Rescue CD

John Reiser jreiser at
Mon Dec 18 17:47:49 UTC 2006

> how can i customize de rescue enviroment of Fedora, i need to add a couple of software to it. 

Find the recipe for building the rescue disk, and change it. :-)

Or, reverse engineer it:
  # mount -o ro,loop FC-6-i386-rescuecd.iso /mnt/tmp1
  $ cd /mnt/tmp1; ls
  images  isolinux  TRANS.TBL
  $ (cd images; ls; file state2.img)
  stage2.img  TRANS.TBL
  stage2.img: Squashfs filesystem ...
  $ (cd isolinux; ls; file initrd.img)
  ... initrd.img ...
  initrd.img: gzip compressed ...
  $ gzip -d -c isolinux/initrd.img >/tmp/initrd
  $ file /tmp/initrd
  /tmp/initrd: ASCII cpio archive
  $ cpio --list --verbose </tmp/initrd
  ... init  .profile ...

So in addition to the normal isolinux stuff for a bootable .iso,
there is a squashfs filesystem stage2.img and an initial ramdisk
filesystem that contains an init and a .profile.  Find the squashfs
tools, put your programs into a new stage2.img, create another .iso.

> PS: Anyone knows how can i build a live cd with more that one distro?

Have more than one stage2.img file; choose and mount the one you want.


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