RFE: Retire Fedora Core 4 only _after_ FC6 has been released.

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at redhat.com
Wed Jan 18 19:52:16 UTC 2006


>That makes sense. Perhaps the current way it is worded could be
>changed from "when FCz reaches test2" to something more along the
>lines of "when developers need to spend more time concentrating on
>improving the next release (usually once the second test release of
>FCz is produced)". 
I will include the information that this is being done to enable 
developers to spend time getting a good subsequent release of Fedora 
Core somewhere highly visible. Could be part of the major legacy 
transition announcement for example.

>I think this would make people feel less like they
>are "missing out" on FCz, and feel more as though this decision really
>benefits them in the long run.


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