Pull off AIGLX repoistory?

alan alan at clueserver.org
Wed Jul 26 18:19:25 UTC 2006

On Wed, 26 Jul 2006, Jesse Keating wrote:

> On Wednesday 26 July 2006 13:22, Chris Chabot wrote:
>> Isn't that what 'releases' are for, major updates & upgrades? It will be
>> kind of hard for anyone making software to say "Works well on fedora core
>> 5, if you exclude these packages, or haven't/have updated before/after
>> xx-xx-xxxx"
>> To me a 'supported' (bad word to use I know :-)) release would mean that
>> its API/ABI stable, but security fixes are made available, and if something
>> works with 'FC-5', then it should work with FC-5
> Fedora isn't about a stable platform though.  Things churn even within a
> release.  A fedora release is more of a snapshot + some cleaning up to make
> an installable release.  Generally new packages are not added, and we'll keep
> binary compatibility, but things can and do churn, like kernels, or X.  We're
> not providing a stable application platform, that would be RHEL's job.  We're
> providing something different.

That would not be so bad if you were not backing users into a corner. 
With FC4 being depricated any day now and X 7.1 breaking a large number of 
users, the results are not going to be very good from a PR perspective, 
let alone a usability perspective.

Have you ever tried to buy a new video card?  You have three basic 
choices.  nVIDIA, ATI, or something where you have no clue what the 
chipset is because it is the $9 card in a blank box.

People use the proprietary drivers because they want Quake 4 to play at a 
useful framerate or the RSS flying donut screensaver to look cool.  They 
want real graphic acceleration on the card they bought, not some obscure 
chipset that they cannot find.  (And yes, Intel qualifies for obscure.  I 
have yet to find an Intel AGP card for sale by any of the vendors out 
there.  Google searches have turned up almost nothing.) They do not want 
to rip out their motherboard to get support for the cool eyecandy that 7.1 

I will explain the situation I am in.  I have an AMD 64 laptop with an 
nVIDIA 440 go chipset.  If I want the s-video output or the external vga 
output to work, I have to use the proprietary driver.  (Furthermore, I 
have to use a version two revisions back with a couple of patches to get 
those to work since they broke that function in the last two driver 
releases.)  Even without that, the nv driver is very slow and behaves 
badly if I need to leave X.  I cannot just install a new video card and I 
doubt if you can find an AMD64 laptop with an Intel video chipset.  ATI is 
not much of a better option.  (ATI only supports some of their chipsets 
under Linux and the open source driver has been a pain ever time I have 
tried it.)

If you are going to break things you need to at least give me a couple of 
options that will work.  So far, the mantra of "use an opensource driver" 
does not cut it for most every use out there.

On a similar note, does the ALGLX and X 7.1 work correctly with the Matrox 
450 Max?

"I want to live just long enough to see them cut off Darl's head and
  stick it on a pike as a reminder to the next ten generations that some
  things come at too high a price. I would look up into his beady eyes and
  wave, like this... (*wave*!). Can your associates arrange that for me,
  Mr. McBride?"
                       - Vir "Flounder" Kotto, Sr. VP, IBM Empire.

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