Static linking considered harmful

Jakub Jelinek jakub at
Fri Nov 24 20:27:54 UTC 2006

On Fri, Nov 24, 2006 at 08:46:33PM +0100, Axel Thimm wrote:
> Which brings yet another argument in favour of not disallowing
> statically builds: ISVs love to use these in order to have one build
> for the whole Linux world. Not that these builds are ever a joy to the
> users, and some may say the noone cares about proprietary browser
> plugins or java vms, but I would be sad to not have a Linux way to
> partition HP storage for example.

In this case please reread this thread, that's exactly what we'd like
ISVs to avoid and all the reasons stated in the thread why static
linking is not desirable for that purpose apply to the vast majority
of ISV uses of static linking.


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