Fedora 10 - Boot Analysis

Patrice Dumas pertusus at free.fr
Thu Dec 18 01:13:58 UTC 2008

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 08:00:02AM -0600, Les Mikesell wrote:
> Even desktop users deserve an environment that follows standards. Has  
> everyone forgotten October's long discussion on this very subject?
> http://fcp.surfsite.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?post_id=298345&topic_id=62876
> Note particularly reply #96 stating mail delivery is required by both  
> posix and the LSB.

I have searched that on posix, but I have only seen that mailx
is specified and seems to be a mandatory utility. However 
the wordings only requires local delivery. I don't think that a 
running MTA is needed by the specification.

In the LSB, mailx and sendmail are required, but it seems to me
that only the sendmail comand line interface is needed. Even local
delivery is not mandated (though I may be missing something):

However the fact that it is a mandatory posix utility doesn't
necessarily means that it should be on every install. For example
bc is mandatory. It should be brought in by the lsb virtual
package, however, and maybe a virtual posix package should exist.


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