with F9, will we still need ALL X drivers?

Adam Jackson ajackson at redhat.com
Mon Mar 3 18:26:49 UTC 2008

On Mon, 2008-03-03 at 01:39 +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> Jeremy Katz wrote:
> > On Sun, 2008-03-02 at 10:51 -0600, Eric Sandeen wrote:
> >> What was the point of the metapackage, originally?  To install ALL
> >> drivers at install time and let firstboot sort it out?
> > 
> > To ensure that (for most cases), all drivers are installed and continue
> > to be updated as new drivers are added.  That way, if someone changes
> > out their video hardware, they don't get hosed by not having the driver
> > available.
> Would it make sense for Anaconda to detect a laptop and only install the 
>   driver the system needs?

aspartame:~% n=0 ; rpm -q --requires xorg-x11-drivers | grep -v ^rpmlib
| xargs rpm -q --qf="%{size}\n" | while read i ; do n=$(( $n + $i )) ;
done ; echo $n

If you have a laptop where that six megs matters, you should have your
own comps file anyway.

- ajax

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