SWFdec vs Gnash (also gcjwebplugin)

Patrice Dumas pertusus at free.fr
Wed May 14 22:43:37 UTC 2008

On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 03:37:16PM -0700, Francis Earl wrote:
> Are there any technical reasons as to why Fedora seems to prefer SWFdec
> over Gnash?
> I understand that to be part of the Gnome Developer Platform, your
> project must be LGPL, which Gnash is not, but Gnash actually works today
> for the more popular use cases (YouTube and friends) and seems to be
> implemented in a far better way (OpenGL etc) ...

In fact, gnash in fedora uses agg as a backend and not openGL (swfdec 
uses cairo).

In most cases, gnash and swfdec work for the same flash files, since they
support similar flash versions ranges.


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