F9 installation screenshot

Vikram Goyal vikigoyal at gmail.com
Thu May 29 08:33:30 UTC 2008

On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 04:58:46PM -0400, Casey Dahlin wrote:
> Sweet horror of horrors! A hotdog with eyes! Imagine how offended people 
> might be!
Hmm! please, what is a hotdog;?

> I can't for the life of me see the problem. Will everyone everywhere get the 
> joke? Maybe not. But who gets offended by popcorn?
> Insisting on cultural sterility insults everyone equally. Let the American 
> jokes be, and while we're at it, let's have some European and Japanese humor 
> in the mix. People make this OS, let's have some fingerprints on it.
> --CJD

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nesting roaches shorted out the ether cable

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