Arabic and Hebrew on the console

Muayyad AlSadi alsadi at
Thu Oct 9 23:24:22 UTC 2008

> Whenever there's a need.
when ? my answer is yesterday :-)
for example if I want to use vim to edit my some Arabic text files
(it's an example you gave me in gnome's bugzilla)

>> have you managed to make it a daemon or something like that
>> because we don't want to put the boot process at risk by having a new
>> still beta application like bicon
> What is "beta" anyway?  The code will be as good as the effort put in it.  And
> I have no idea how making it a daemon (what does that mean for a converter
> btw?) make it any better.
yes, it will be, I hope that and I'm ready to help you with whatever I can
like testing and maybe some coding [although I'm not an expert of
console behind scenes]

I meant by daemon, to have bicond or something doing the the bidi on
all VTs in the background.
maybe this is not the right place for this talk.
maybe I should start a new thread about that topic

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