Profiling X, KDE, KWin and friends...

Basil Mohamed Gohar abu_hurayrah at
Fri Apr 17 17:48:56 UTC 2009

On 04/18/2009 12:00 AM, Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-04-17 at 22:44 +0800, Basil Mohamed Gohar wrote:
>> Ilyes,
>> I was having terrible problems with F10 on my 4+year-old laptop, and I
>> am now running rawhide from a F11 Beta install, and nearly all my
>> problems, including disk&  display performance problems, have gone
>> away.  I hope I am not far from the truth when I say (at least as I've
>> been told) Xorg in F10 had some issues, almost all of which are fixed in
>> the version that is scheduled for F11.
> I'd say you're over-simplifying. :) There were large changes in both the
> X server itself and the various hardware drivers in F10, and there are
> equally large (or possibly even larger) changes for F11 too. Some things
> that were broken in F10 are fixed in F11. Some things that were broken
> in F10 are currently still broken in F11. And a few things are broken in
> F11 that weren't broken in F10. Obviously we're trying to make sure the
> first group of things is as large as possible and the other two as
> small, but please don't over-promise, it frequently leads to
> disappointment :)
Good points, all of them.  That's why I tried to keep the experience as 
personal as possible (e.g., "I was having...", "...all my 
problems...").  My mistake, obviously, was in stating a truth about Xorg 
server based on my limited set of experiences with it.  Duly noted.  
Good job to all the devs, Xorg & otherwise, on F11 progress!

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