No more Bugzilla for me

Jesse Keating jkeating at
Wed Apr 22 05:12:35 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-04-22 at 14:31 +1000, Rodd Clarkson wrote:
> Ah, I'm a little confused.
> All that was requested was a change of password.  This doesn't stop Joe
> Public from signing up and accessing bugzilla, and presumably doesn't
> stop Joe from viewing leaky NDA's.
> All it seems to do is make me have to change a password.
> Surely if there are leaks using the old password, then there's still
> leaks with my new password (which is actually my old password since I
> went back in and changed it back).

There is a theory that changing passwords on a regular bases lessens the
risk of somebody's password being stolen and used nefariously.
Depending on the account compromised the damage increases from nuisance
to legally damaging.  

Jesse Keating
Fedora -- Freedom² is a feature!
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