rt2860 driver (fc11)

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at gmail.com
Thu Aug 6 18:52:43 UTC 2009

>> Thanks for the clarification. From what I read, I inferred that the
>> driver in /staging was the serialmonkey driver, but it seems I read it
>> wrong, and what it actually means to say was 'this is the vendor driver,
>> it sucks, don't contribute any code to this driver, contribute to the
>> serialmonkey driver instead'.
> I had the same confusion. So there are 3 drivers around: The vendor
> driver, the staging driver which is a fork of the vendor driver and
> the serialmonkey driver.  Multiply that by 3 for rt2860, rt2870 and
> rt3070. And this leads to another confusion. Do (or will) the Fedora
> kernels have these staging drivers compiled by default? If that's the
> case and if the staging driver is as stable as the original vendor
> driver, I won't have to maintain those kmods anymore.

The fedora kernel developers have always stated that the
staging/vendor drivers will never get enabled. Only once the other
ones are ready will they be turned on.


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