proposal for fedora11 feature ReviewOMatic

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at
Mon Jan 5 19:35:26 UTC 2009

>>>>> "BN" == Bill Nottingham <notting at> writes:

BN> Right, but you're an authorized user who (may) do some sort of
BN> rudimentary check for '100 GB source tarball' or 'is an obvious
BN> trojan', etc. before submitting the build. Would this automated
BN> system do that?

Well, that's a fair question, and do note that I have no involvement
with the currently proposed system.  (I don't even agree with the name
that's been chosen for it.)  But when I initially talked about
scraping the last src.rpm posted in every open package review ticket
and dumping it on koji, people didn't raise any issues.  I was
specifically asking about where there were any security or DOS issues
involved in that.  It is entirely possible that folks behind the
current proposal saw that discussion.

 - J<

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