Package Maintainers Flags policy

Andrea Musuruane musuruan at
Tue May 19 14:51:25 UTC 2009

2009/5/19 Björn Persson <bjorn at>:
> Here's a list of languages that have articles on a certain topic in Wikipedia.
> Do you have any problem finding your choice?

No, I don't but it is time consuming. After all, icons are made to
access information faster. If I have to overemphasize your argument, I
would ask you why should we use a graphical environment at all, after
all we can all read inside a terminal.

I think this is a really practical matter. There may not be the space
for a text. Flags are icons if the guidelines tell us to remove them,
we have to substitute them with some other icon set. What is this
other icon set?



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