Local users get to play root?

Jon Ciesla limb at jcomserv.net
Wed Nov 18 18:15:13 UTC 2009

Seth Vidal wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Nov 2009, nodata wrote:
>>>>> -sv
>>>> I do if it's in the default DVD install, or was pulled in in an
>>>> upgrade. I've never intentionally installed it, and yes I do. Never
>>>> imagined it would be a problem. I'll remove it.
>>> Maybe you and I have a different concept of 'Servers'. But I tend to
>>> install @core only and then remove items whenever I can for a server.
>>> If it is a bad day I'll install X b/c something requires it but for
>>> servers I try to avoid anything beside the barest minimal I can have.
>>> -sv
>> Maybe you have a different concept of security, but I don't want any 
>> user on the server installing software, no matter what.
> right - which is why I wouldn't install PK on a server.
> yum doesn't allow users to install pkgs, only root.
> -sv
I just found PackageKit on a server that's never been anything but.  It 
was installed fith FC-2, which IIRC is pre-PackageKit.  Does this mean 
it was pulled in by something else that no longer requires it?

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in your fear, seek only love

-d. bowie

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