
Paul W. Frields paul at
Thu Oct 2 01:03:22 UTC 2003

I am an RHCE/RHCX and interested in working with the Docs project... I
am open to assignments and suggestions, but I was thinking about
starting with pieces such as updfstab, and possibly moving on to an
updated and more officially-sanctioned revision of the Redhat-CD-HOWTO.
Do these sound good to you, Tammy? Or anyone?

I am not an Emacs person but I am comfortable writing XML longhand. Any
suggestions there?

Anyway, I'm excited about being able to contribute to a project whose
predecessor product I've been using for about 6+ years. Hope I can be of
service to someone... just let me know how I should get started. Do we
have a kickoff date, or a timeline?

Sorry, too many questions for one message. Cheers, everyone.
Paul W. Frields <paul at>
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