Confusion about using CVS

Hugo Cisneiros hugo at
Sat Mar 4 18:00:54 UTC 2006

Tommy Reynolds wrote:
> Uttered Hugo Cisneiros <hugo at>, spake thus:
> Hugo,
> There appear to be problems with the way that the build tools, or
> "docs-common/Makefile.common", use the .PO file and the ${PRI_LANG}
> XML files to generate the "pt_BR/foo.xml" files.
> There are two tools, "xml2po" and "po2xml", that claim to perform
> this function, but neither one is working correctly for me.
> If you look into your "docs-common/Makefile.common" file at about
> line 832, you should see something like this:

Correcting: line 415 :P

> #	${XML2PO} -k -p po/${1}.po ${2} >$$@
> 	${PO2XML} ${2} po/${1}.po >$$@
> At as trial, comment out the ${PO2XML} line and uncomment the
> ${XML2PO{ line, so that it looks like this:
> 	${XML2PO} -k -p po/${1}.po ${2} >$$@
> #	${PO2XML} ${2} po/${1}.po >$$@
> The try your "make html-pt_BR" command again.  On my system the
> ${PO2XML} line gives the error you are seeing, but the ${XML2PO} file
> gives different errors.  However, the ${XML2PO} errors may, repeat
> _may_, be caused by some other part of the toolchain.

Now it worked! The RELEASE-NOTES-pt_BR directory was created and every 
content in it is well. Executing only "make" will create a html-nochunks 
version and a targzipped version of the directory too. All fine. What 
was your errors?

I noted some other erros, and I'll send here just for documenting. The 
first was many warnings with this message:

    No localization exists for "po/pt_br" or "po/pt". Using default "en".

But everything is created fine. This warnings appear when 
creating/writing the html files. This happens with zh_CN too. Maybe 
because of a case sensitivity issue?

I don't think that this will cause damages, as documents were all fine 
after the build, but I really don't have idea :)

> Sorry for the inconvenience, but we're working on this.

That's ok, if I can help in anything, just ask and I'll be glad to.

> By the way, have you any experience using the tools from the intltool
> RPM?  They could be my third alternative...

Not yet, I didn't know about this package :)

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