bouncer_r/php/lib list.php,1.2,1.3

David Farning (dfarning) fedora-extras-commits at
Tue Aug 2 00:09:23 UTC 2005

Author: dfarning

Update of /cvs/fedora/bouncer_r/php/lib
In directory

Added Files:
Log Message:
cvs cleanup for fedora initial commit

Index: list.php
RCS file: list.php
diff -N list.php
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ list.php	2 Aug 2005 00:09:20 -0000	1.3
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+ *	List functions for lists of values.
+ *	@package mirror 
+ *	@subpackage lib
+ *	@author Mike Morgan <mike.morgan at> 
+ *  @copyright Oregon State University
+ *	
+ *	Usage example:
+ *	<code>
+ *	$orderby=get_order();
+ *	$query="SELECT * FROM fic_courses $orderby";
+ *	$courses=db_get($query,MYSQL_ASSOC);
+ *	$headers=array(
+ *		'course_id'=>'',
+ *		'title'=>'Course Title',
+ *		'date_start_course'=>'Start',
+ *		'date_end_course'=>'End',
+ *		'date_start_reg'=>'Reg Starts',
+ *		'date_end_reg'=>'Reg Ends',
+ *		'active'=>'Active?',
+ *		'entry_date'=>'Created'
+ *	);
+ *	show_list($courses,$headers);
+ *	</code>
+ *
+ *	Accompanying CSS for table output:
+ *	<code>
+ *	.list
+ *	{
+ *		border:1px solid #999;
+ *	}
+ *	.list th
+ *	{
+ *		background:#eee;
+ *		border:1px solid #000;
+ *		font-weight:bold;
+ *	}
+ *	.list th a
+ *	{
+ *		display:block;
+ *		padding:0 14px;
+ *	}
+ *	.list th a:hover
+ *	{
+ *		background-color:#fff;
+ *	}
+ *	.row1
+ *	{
+ *		background:#ddd;
+ *	}
+ *	.row2
+ *	{
+ *		background:#ccc;
+ *	}
+ *	.row1:hover, .row2:hover
+ *	{
+ *		background-color:#fec;
+ *	}
+ *	.current-sort
+ *	{
+ *		background:#fda;
+ *	}
+ *	.sort-desc
+ *	{
+ *		background:#fec url(../img/up.gif) no-repeat right;
+ *	}
+ *	.sort-asc
+ *	{
+ *		background:#fec url(../img/down.gif) no-repeat right;
+ *	}
+ *	</code>
+ *
+ *	Accompanying JavaScript for select all / inverse:
+ *	<code>
+ *	<script type="text/javascript">
+ *	//<!--
+ *	function selectAll(formObj,invert)
+ *	{
+ *		for (var i=0;i < formObj.elements.length;i++)
+ *		{
+ *			fldObj = formObj.elements[i];
+ *			if (fldObj.type == 'checkbox')
+ *			{
+ *				if (invert==1)
+ *				{
+ *					fldObj.checked = (fldObj.checked) ? false : true;
+ *				}
+ *				else
+ *				{
+ *					fldObj.checked = true;
+ *				}
+ *			}
+ *		}
+ *	}
+ *	//-->
+ *	</script>
+ *	</code>
+ */
+ *	Show a list of values, for forms.
+ *	@param array $list associative array
+ *	@param array $headers column name => column title (for table heads)
+ *	@param string $type checkbox, radio, simple
+ *	@param array $array actions to display in actions select list 
+ *	@param string $form_id id of form holding list
+ *	@param bool $sortable whether or not to show sortable column headers (links in th's)
+ *	@param array|string $selected if type is checkbox, array otherwise string with one val
+ */
+function show_list($list,$headers,$type='checkbox',$actions=null,$form_id=null,$sortable=true,$selected=null)
+	if ( is_array($list) && count($list)>0 && is_array($headers) )
+	{
+		if ( $type!='simple' && !empty($_GET['sort']) && !empty($_GET['order']) )
+		{
+			form_hidden('sort',$_GET['sort']);
+			form_hidden('order',$_GET['order']);
+		}
+		echo "\n".'<table class="list">';
+		show_headers($headers,$actions,$type,$sortable);
+		echo "\n".'<tbody>';
+		foreach ($list as $row)
+		{
+			show_row($row,$headers,$type,$actions,$count++,$selected);
+		}
+		echo "\n".'</tbody>';
+		echo "\n".'</table>';
+		if ($type=='checkbox')
+		{
+echo <<<js
+<script type="text/javascript">
+function list_select(formObj,invert)
+	for (var i=0;i < formObj.elements.length;i++)
+	{
+		fldObj = formObj.elements[i];
+		if (fldObj.type == 'checkbox')
+		{
+			if (invert==1)
+			{
+				fldObj.checked = (fldObj.checked) ? false : true;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				fldObj.checked = true;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+		}
+	}
+	elseif ( !is_array($headers) )
+	{
+		echo "\n".'<h1>FIX HEADERS ARRAY</h1>';
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		echo "\n".'<p>No records found.</p>';
+	}
+ *	Show table headers.
+ *	@param array $headers column name => column title (for table heads)
+ *	@param string $type type of list that is being shown
+ *	@param bool $sortable whether or not to show sortable column headers (links in th's)
+ */
+function show_headers($headers,$actions,$type,$sortable=true)
+	echo "\n".'<thead><tr>';
+    if (!empty($actions)) {
+        echo "\n".'<th colspan="'.count($actions).'">Actions</th>';
+    }
+	$sort=$_GET['sort'];
+	$order=get_order();
+	$count=0;
+	foreach ($headers as $col=>$title)
+	{
+		if ( !empty($sort) && !empty($order) )
+		{
+			if ($col==$sort && $order=='ASC')
+			{
+				$a_class=' class="sort-asc current-sort" ';
+			}
+			elseif ($col==$sort && $order=='DESC')
+			{
+				$a_class=' class="sort-desc current-sort" ';
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				$a_class=null;
+			}
+		}
+		if ($sortable&&$count>0)
+		{
+			$qs = array();
+			foreach ($_GET as $qn=>$qv) { $qs[$qn] = $qv; } // existing query string variables
+			$qs['sort'] = $col; // add/replace sort to query string
+			$qs['order'] = $order; // add/replace order by to query string
+			foreach ($qs as $qn=>$qv) { $querystring[] = $qn.'='.$qv; } // existing query string variables
+			echo "\n".'<th><a '.$a_class.'href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?'.implode('&',$querystring).'">'.$title.'</a></th>';
+			unset($qs);
+			unset($querystring);
+		}
+		elseif ($count>0)
+		{
+			echo "\n".'<th>'.$title.'</th>';
+		}
+		$count++;
+	}
+    echo "\n".'</tr></thead>';
+ *	Show table data.
+ *	@param array $row table row, assoc
+ *	@param array $headers column name => column title (for knowing which ones to display)
+ *  @param array $actions actions array
+ *	@param string $type type of table, determines first column, which could be an input
+ *	@param array|string $selected selected items; if type is checkbox, array otherwise string with one val
+ */
+function show_row($row,$headers,$type,$actions,$num=null,$selected=null)
+	$indexes=array_keys($headers);
+	$idname = $indexes[0];
+	$tr_class=($num%2)?' class="row1" ':' class="row2" ';
+	echo "\n".'<tr'.$tr_class.'>';
+    foreach ($actions as $action=>$title) {
+        echo "\n".'<td>';
+        echo "\n".'<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?action='.$action.'&'.$idname.'='.$row[$idname].'&submit=1&sort='.$_GET['sort'].'&order='.$_GET['order'].'" title="'.$title.'">'.$title.'</a> ';
+        echo "\n".'</td>';
+    }
+	foreach ($indexes as $index)
+	{
+		$row[$index]=clean_out($row[$index]);
+        if ($index!=$idname) {
+            echo ($type=='simple')?"\n".'<td>'.$row[$index].'</td>':"\n".'<td><label for="'.$id.'">'.$row[$index].'</label></td>';
+        }
+	}
+	echo "\n".'</tr>';
+ *	Determine current sort order.
+ */
+function get_order()
+	return ($_GET['order']=='ASC')?'DESC':'ASC';
+ *	Determine whether or not list is currently sorted.
+ *	@param string $method which http method to check for sort information
+ *	@return mixed cleaned orderby clause based on saved sort information or null if no orderby is set in the defined method
+ */
+function get_orderby($method='get')
+	if ( $method=='get' && !empty($_GET['sort']) && !empty($_GET['order']) )
+	{
+		$sort=clean_in($_GET['sort']);
+		$order=clean_in($_GET['order']);
+		return " ORDER BY $sort $order ";
+	}
+	elseif ( $method=='post' && !empty($_POST['sort']) && !empty($_POST['order']) )
+	{
+		$sort=clean_in($_POST['sort']);
+		$order=clean_in($_POST['order']);
+		return " ORDER BY $sort $order ";
+	}
+	elseif ( $method=='session' && !empty($_SESSION['sort']) && !empty($_SESSION['order']) )
+	{
+		$sort=clean_in($_SESSION['sort']);
+		$order=clean_in($_SESSION['order']);
+		return " ORDER BY $sort $order ";
+	}
+	else return null;
+ *	Parses $_POST for ids, shows edit forms for each id with populated data.
+ *	<ul>
+ *	<li>name will be used to retrieve an _array_ from $_POST of the same name</li>
+ *		<li>the form will be an include, with $posts[col_name] as the default for all values</li>
+ *		<li>try to keep your query simple (no crazy sorting, etc.) -- we're talking one record at a time here anyway</li>
+ *	</ul>
+ *	Example:
+ *	<code>
+ *	list_edit_ids('course_id','../forms/course.php','SELECT * FROM fic_courses','1');
+ *	</code>
+ *	@param string $name name of id field
+ *	@param string $form path to form to be used to items
+ *	@param string $q_front front half of query
+ *	@param string $q_where where statement
+ *	@param array $dates array of date field names, so they can be fixed for forms
+ *	@param array $datetimes array of datetime field names, so they can be fixed for forms
+ */
+function list_edit_ids($name,$form,$q_front,$q_where='1',$dates=null,$datetimes=null)
+	if ( !empty($_SESSION[$name]) && is_array($_SESSION[$name]) )
+	{
+		$ids=implode(',',$_SESSION[$name]);
+		$orderby=get_orderby('session');
+		$query=$q_front.' WHERE '.$q_where." AND $name IN($ids) ".$orderby;
+		$records=db_get($query);
+		form_start($name);
+		foreach ($records as $record)
+		{
+			echo "\n".'<div class="record">';
+			$record=form_array_fix_dates($dates,$datetimes,2,$record);
+			foreach ($record as $key=>$val)
+			{
+				$posts[$key]=clean_out($val);
+			}
+			include($form);
+			echo "\n".'<div class="record-submit">';
+			form_submit('submit', '', 'button1');
+			echo "\n".'</div>';
+			echo "\n".'</div>';
+		}
+		form_end();
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		echo '<p>You must select a record.  <a href="javascript:history.back();">Go back</a>.</p>';
+	}
+ *	Process a submitted list_edit_ids form.
+ *	@param array $name array of primary ids posted from the form, these are vital to the WHERE clause of the UPDATE statements.
+ *	@param string $table name of table being affected
+ */
+function list_update_ids($name,$table)
+	$keys=array_keys($_POST[$name]);
+	foreach ($keys as $index)
+	{
+		foreach ($_POST as $key=>$val)
+		{
+			if ($key!='submit')
+			{
+				$posts[$index][$key]=$val[$index];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	foreach ($posts as $dataset)
+	{
+		$query=db_makeupdate($dataset,$table," WHERE $name='".$dataset[$name]."' ");
+		db_query($query);
+	}

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