rpms/vdr-wapd/devel vdr-wapd-0.8-1338i18n.patch, NONE, 1.1 vdr-wapd-0.8-1341.patch, NONE, 1.1 vdr-wapd-proxy.conf, NONE, 1.1 vdr-wapd-wapaccess, NONE, 1.1 vdr-wapd-waphosts, NONE, 1.1 vdr-wapd.conf, NONE, 1.1 vdr-wapd.spec, NONE, 1.1 .cvsignore, 1.1, 1.2 sources, 1.1, 1.2

Ville Skytta (scop) fedora-extras-commits at redhat.com
Tue Mar 27 18:42:57 UTC 2007

Author: scop

Update of /cvs/extras/rpms/vdr-wapd/devel
In directory cvs-int.fedora.redhat.com:/tmp/cvs-serv18823/devel

Modified Files:
	.cvsignore sources 
Added Files:
	vdr-wapd-0.8-1338i18n.patch vdr-wapd-0.8-1341.patch 
	vdr-wapd-proxy.conf vdr-wapd-wapaccess vdr-wapd-waphosts 
	vdr-wapd.conf vdr-wapd.spec 
Log Message:
auto-import vdr-wapd-0.8-16.cmn6 on branch devel from vdr-wapd-0.8-16.cmn6.src.rpm
Initial import (#219097)


--- NEW FILE vdr-wapd-0.8-1338i18n.patch ---
--- wapd-0.8/i18n.c~	2005-12-24 15:23:36.000000000 +0200
+++ wapd-0.8/i18n.c	2006-01-10 20:32:13.000000000 +0200
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
     "", // TODO
     "Pas de résumé defini.",
     "", // TODO
-    "Yhteenvetoa ei saatavilla.",
+    "Kuvausta ei saatavilla.",
     "", // TODO
     "", // TODO
     "", // TODO
--- wapd-0.8/server.c~	2005-12-24 16:19:20.000000000 +0200
+++ wapd-0.8/server.c	2006-01-10 20:34:03.000000000 +0200
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@
      "%s:" WML_BR() WML_INPUT("Nid%d", "%s", "*N") WML_BR()
      "%s:" WML_BR() WML_INPUT("Tid%d", "%s", "*N") WML_BR()
      "%s:" WML_BR() WML_INPUT("Rid%d", "%s", "N"),
-     wmltr("Name"), base, name ? name : wmltr("New"),
+     wmltr("Name"), base, name ? name : "",
      wmltr("Frequency"), base, frequency ? frequency : "",
      wmltr("Parameters"), base, parameters ? parameters : "",
      wmltr("Source"), base, source ? source : "",
@@ -416,8 +416,8 @@
         wmltr("VDR"), wmltr("Channels"),
         wmltr("Save"), channel_nr,
         base, base, base, base, base, base, base, base, base, base, base, base, base,
-        wmltr("Switch"), channel_nr,
-        wmltr("Delete"), channel_nr);
+        wmltr("Button$Switch"), channel_nr,
+        wmltr("Button$Delete"), channel_nr);
      ReplyBuffer(WML_END(WML_DO("%s", URI_MAIN) WML_ENDDO()
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@
   int lifetime = Setup.DefaultLifetime;
   char *file = NULL;
   asprintf(&day, "%d", lt.tm_mday);
-  asprintf(&file, "%s%02d%02d%02d", wmltr("New"), lt.tm_hour, lt.tm_min, lt.tm_sec);
+  asprintf(&file, "%s%02d%02d%02d", "wapd", lt.tm_hour, lt.tm_min, lt.tm_sec);
   cTimer *timer = NULL;
   if (Option("id")) {
      if (isnumber(getopt)) {
@@ -492,8 +492,8 @@
         WML_DO("%s", URI_ONOFFTIMER "/?id=%s") WML_ENDDO()),
         wmltr("VDR"), wmltr("Timers"),
         wmltr("Save"), getopt, flags, base, base, base, base, base, base, base,
-        wmltr("Delete"), getopt,
-        wmltr("On/Off"), getopt);
+        wmltr("Button$Delete"), getopt,
+        wmltr("Button$On/Off"), getopt);
      ReplyBuffer(WML_END(WML_DO("%s", URI_MAIN) WML_ENDDO()
         WML_DO("%s", URI_TIMERS) WML_ENDDO()
@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@
            WML_DO("%s", URI_RECORDINGS) WML_ENDDO()
            WML_DO("%s", URI_DELETERECORDING "/?id=%s") WML_ENDDO()),
            wmltr("VDR"), wmltr("Recordings"),
-           wmltr("Delete"), getopt);
+           wmltr("Button$Delete"), getopt);
         Header(200, "OK", MIME_WAP);
@@ -616,8 +616,8 @@
            wmltr("Schedule"), channel->Number(),
-           wmltr("Switch"), channel->Number(),
-           wmltr("Record"), channel->Number(), tm_start.tm_mday,
+           wmltr("Button$Switch"), channel->Number(),
+           wmltr("Button$Record"), channel->Number(), tm_start.tm_mday,
               tm_start.tm_hour, tm_start.tm_min, tm_stop.tm_hour, tm_stop.tm_min,
               Setup.DefaultPriority, Setup.DefaultLifetime, file);
@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@
               WML_POSTFIELD("%s", "y")
-           Now ? wmltr("Next") : wmltr("Now"),
+           Now ? wmltr("Button$Next") : wmltr("Button$Now"),
            Now ? "next" : "now",
            offset - MAXLINES > 0 ? offset - MAXLINES : 0,
            Now ? "now" : "next",
@@ -734,7 +734,7 @@
                  WML_POSTFIELD("offset", "%d")
                  WML_POSTFIELD("channel_nr", "%d")
-              wmltr("VDR"), wmltr("Now"), wmltr("Next"),
+              wmltr("VDR"), wmltr("Button$Now"), wmltr("Button$Next"),
               offset - MAXLINES > 0 ? offset - MAXLINES : 0,
               offset + MAXLINES < i ? offset + MAXLINES : offset,
@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@
         WML_DO(WML_LT, URI_CHANNELS "/?offset=%d") WML_ENDDO()
         WML_DO(WML_GT, URI_CHANNELS "/?offset=%d") WML_ENDDO()),
-        wmltr("VDR"), wmltr("New"),
+        wmltr("VDR"), wmltr("Button$New"),
         offset - MAXLINES > 0 ? offset - MAXLINES : 0,
         offset + MAXLINES < i ? offset + MAXLINES : offset);
      Header(200, "OK", MIME_WAP);
@@ -841,7 +841,7 @@
         WML_DO(WML_LT, URI_TIMERS "/?offset=%d") WML_ENDDO()
         WML_DO(WML_GT, URI_TIMERS "/?offset=%d") WML_ENDDO()),
-        wmltr("VDR"), wmltr("New"),
+        wmltr("VDR"), wmltr("Button$New"),
         offset - MAXLINES > 0 ? offset - MAXLINES : 0,
         offset + MAXLINES < i ? offset + MAXLINES : offset);
      Header(200, "OK", MIME_WAP);
@@ -852,7 +852,7 @@
      ReplyBuffer(wmltr("No timers defined."));
   ReplyBuffer(WML_END(WML_DO("%s", URI_MAIN) WML_ENDDO()
-     wmltr("VDR"), wmltr("New"));
+     wmltr("VDR"), wmltr("Button$New"));
   Header(200, "OK", MIME_WAP);


--- NEW FILE vdr-wapd-0.8-1341.patch ---
--- server.c~	2005-12-24 16:19:20.000000000 +0200
+++ server.c	2006-01-29 19:32:04.000000000 +0200
@@ -694,7 +694,11 @@
            int offset = strtol(getopt, NULL, 10);
            int i = 0;
            const cEvent *PresentEvent =
-              Schedule->GetPresentEvent(channel->Number() == cDevice::CurrentChannel());
+              Schedule->GetPresentEvent(
+#if VDRVERSNUM < 10341
+                  channel->Number() == cDevice::CurrentChannel()
+                  );
            time_t now = time(NULL) - Setup.EPGLinger * 60;
            for (const cEvent *Event = Schedule->Events()->First();

--- NEW FILE vdr-wapd-proxy.conf ---
#                                                                -*- apache -*-
# vdr-wapd - WAP interface for the Video Disk Recorder (VDR)
# This is an optional config file for proxying vdr-wapd with Apache.
# Copy to /etc/httpd/conf.d to do that.
# Note: with SELinux in enforcing mode, the httpd_can_network_connect
# SELinux boolean must be on, otherwise httpd won't be able to connect to
# the proxied port below.  See the setsebool(8) manual page or use the
# "Allow HTTPD to connect to the network" option in the
# system-config-securitylevel UI.

<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
  Listen 8008
  <VirtualHost _default_:8008>
    ProxyPass / http://localhost:8888/
    ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8888/
    <IfModule mod_deflate.c>
      AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/vnd.wap.wml

--- NEW FILE vdr-wapd-wapaccess ---
# wapaccess     This file describes user based access to the VDR WAP
#               daemon running on this system.  Use the wappasswd utility
#               to create entries here, like:
#                 wappasswd username password >> wapaccess

--- NEW FILE vdr-wapd-waphosts ---
# waphosts      This file describes a number of host addresses that
#               are allowed to connect to the VDR WAP daemon running
#               on this system.

--- NEW FILE vdr-wapd.conf ---
# Configuration snippet for vdr-wapd                                 -*- sh -*-
# Add command line options to pass to the wapd plugin to PLUGIN_OPTIONS.
# See /usr/share/doc/vdr-wapd-*/README for info about the available options.


--- NEW FILE vdr-wapd.spec ---
# TODO: should be proxy friendlier by using relative URLs!

%define pname     wapd
%define plugindir %(vdr-config --plugindir  2>/dev/null || echo ERROR)
%define configdir %(vdr-config --configdir  2>/dev/null || echo ERROR)
%define apiver    %(vdr-config --apiversion 2>/dev/null || echo ERROR)
%define vdr_user  %(vdr-config --user       2>/dev/null || echo ERROR)

Name:           vdr-%{pname}
Version:        0.8
Release:        16%{?dist}
Summary:        WAP remote control interface for VDR

Group:          Applications/Multimedia
License:        GPL
URL:            http://vdr.heiligenmann.de/vdr/plugins/wapd.html
Source0:        http://vdr.heiligenmann.de/download/%{name}-%{version}.tgz
Source1:        %{name}-waphosts
Source2:        %{name}-wapaccess
Source3:        %{name}-proxy.conf
Source4:        %{name}.conf
Patch0:         %{name}-0.8-1338i18n.patch
Patch1:         %{name}-0.8-1341.patch
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)

BuildRequires:  vdr-devel >= 1.3.47
Requires:       vdr(abi) = %{apiver}

The wapd plugin enables VDR to be remotely controlled using a WML interface
with WML enabled browsers such as mainstream mobile phones.

%setup -q -n %{pname}-%{version}
%patch0 -p1
iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8 HISTORY > HISTORY.utf8 ; mv HISTORY.utf8 HISTORY
sed -i -e 's|/video/plugins|%{configdir}/plugins|' README
sed -i -e '/^DVBDIR/d' -e 's|-I$(DVBDIR)/include||' Makefile
sed -i -e s/VDRVERSION/APIVERSION/g Makefile
install -pm 644 %{SOURCE3} %{name}-httpd.conf

# LIBDIR is where the compiled object is copied during build
make %{?_smp_mflags} LIBDIR=. VDRDIR=%{_libdir}/vdr all

install -dm 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{plugindir}
install -pm 755 libvdr-%{pname}.so.%{apiver} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{plugindir}
install -Dpm 755 wappasswd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/wappasswd
install -Dpm 640 %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{configdir}/plugins/waphosts
install -Dpm 640 %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{configdir}/plugins/wapaccess
install -Dpm 644 %{SOURCE4} \


%doc COPYING HISTORY README %{name}-httpd.conf
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/vdr-plugins.d/%{pname}.conf
%config(noreplace) %{configdir}/plugins/wapaccess
%config(noreplace) %{configdir}/plugins/waphosts

* Sat Mar 24 2007 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta at iki.fi> - 0.8-16
- Improvement suggestions from #219097: drop build dependency on sed,
  improve summary and description.

* Sun Dec 10 2006 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta at iki.fi> - 0.8-15
- Trim pre VDR 1.4.0 changelog entries.

* Sat Nov  4 2006 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta at iki.fi> - 0.8-14
- Install optional Apache proxy snippet as doc, not in-place.
- Build for VDR 1.4.4.

* Fri Oct 06 2006 Thorsten Leemhuis <fedora [AT] leemhuis [DOT] info> 0.8-13
- rebuilt for unwind info generation, broken in gcc-4.1.1-21

* Sat Sep 23 2006 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta at iki.fi> - 0.8-12
- Rebuild for VDR 1.4.3.

* Sun Aug  6 2006 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta at iki.fi> - 0.8-11
- Rebuild for VDR 1.4.1-3.

* Sun Jun 11 2006 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta at iki.fi> - 0.8-10
- Rebuild for VDR 1.4.1.
- Add mod_deflate sample to example proxy config.

* Sun Apr 30 2006 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta at iki.fi> - 0.8-9
- Rebuild for VDR 1.4.0.

Index: .cvsignore
RCS file: /cvs/extras/rpms/vdr-wapd/devel/.cvsignore,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- .cvsignore	27 Mar 2007 18:25:47 -0000	1.1
+++ .cvsignore	27 Mar 2007 18:42:24 -0000	1.2
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Index: sources
RCS file: /cvs/extras/rpms/vdr-wapd/devel/sources,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- sources	27 Mar 2007 18:25:47 -0000	1.1
+++ sources	27 Mar 2007 18:42:24 -0000	1.2
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+2e83cd23940a8692e7f07a0d181acb70  vdr-wapd-0.8.tgz

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