rpms/kdelibs/F-12 kdelibs-4.3.3-khtml_svg_no_var_tracking_assignments.patch, NONE, 1.1 kubuntu_80_kaction_qt_keys.diff, NONE, 1.1 kdelibs.spec, 1.526, 1.527

Rex Dieter rdieter at fedoraproject.org
Sat Nov 14 01:52:48 UTC 2009

Author: rdieter

Update of /cvs/pkgs/rpms/kdelibs/F-12
In directory cvs1.fedora.phx.redhat.com:/tmp/cvs-serv3579

Modified Files:
Added Files:
Log Message:
* Fri Nov 13 2009 Rex Dieter <rdieter at fedoraproject.org> - 4.3.3-4
- kubuntu_80_kaction_qt_keys.diff (#475247)
- soprano_ver 2.3.1

 CMakeLists.txt |    1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

--- NEW FILE kdelibs-4.3.3-khtml_svg_no_var_tracking_assignments.patch ---
diff -up kdelibs-4.3.3/khtml/CMakeLists.txt.SVGNames kdelibs-4.3.3/khtml/CMakeLists.txt
--- kdelibs-4.3.3/khtml/CMakeLists.txt.SVGNames	2009-08-27 03:19:09.000000000 -0500
+++ kdelibs-4.3.3/khtml/CMakeLists.txt	2009-11-13 17:43:07.618002091 -0600
@@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ set(khtmldom_STAT_SRCS
 #set_source_files_properties(${khtmldom_STAT_SRCS} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${KDE4_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS})
+set_source_files_properties(${khtmlsvg_STAT_SRCS} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS -fno-var-tracking-assignments )
 # khtml/misc/Makefile.am: khtmlmisc

 kkeyserver_x11.cpp |  295 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 243 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)

--- NEW FILE kubuntu_80_kaction_qt_keys.diff ---
# Ubuntu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/293213
# Description: Allow more Qt::Keys to be used as KAction shortcuts
--- kde4libs-4.3.2.orig/kdeui/util/kkeyserver_x11.cpp
+++ kde4libs-4.3.2/kdeui/util/kkeyserver_x11.cpp
@@ -198,50 +198,153 @@
     { '+',                XK_KP_Add },
     { Qt::Key_Return,     XK_KP_Enter }
-// the next lines are taken from XFree > 4.0 (X11/XF86keysyms.h), defining some special
+// the next lines are taken on 10/2009 from X.org (X11/XF86keysym.h), defining some special
 // multimedia keys. They are included here as not every system has them.
-#define XF86XK_Standby      0x1008FF10
-#define XF86XK_AudioLowerVolume 0x1008FF11
-#define XF86XK_AudioMute    0x1008FF12
-#define XF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume 0x1008FF13
-#define XF86XK_AudioPlay    0x1008FF14
-#define XF86XK_AudioStop    0x1008FF15
-#define XF86XK_AudioPrev    0x1008FF16
-#define XF86XK_AudioNext    0x1008FF17
-#define XF86XK_HomePage     0x1008FF18
-#define XF86XK_Calculator   0x1008FF1D
-#define XF86XK_Mail     0x1008FF19
-#define XF86XK_Start        0x1008FF1A
-#define XF86XK_Search       0x1008FF1B
-#define XF86XK_AudioRecord  0x1008FF1C
-#define XF86XK_Back     0x1008FF26
-#define XF86XK_Forward      0x1008FF27
-#define XF86XK_Stop     0x1008FF28
-#define XF86XK_Refresh      0x1008FF29
-#define XF86XK_Favorites    0x1008FF30
-#define XF86XK_AudioPause   0x1008FF31
-#define XF86XK_AudioMedia   0x1008FF32
-#define XF86XK_MyComputer   0x1008FF33
-#define XF86XK_OpenURL      0x1008FF38
-#define XF86XK_Launch0      0x1008FF40
-#define XF86XK_Launch1      0x1008FF41
-#define XF86XK_Launch2      0x1008FF42
-#define XF86XK_Launch3      0x1008FF43
-#define XF86XK_Launch4      0x1008FF44
-#define XF86XK_Launch5      0x1008FF45
-#define XF86XK_Launch6      0x1008FF46
-#define XF86XK_Launch7      0x1008FF47
-#define XF86XK_Launch8      0x1008FF48
-#define XF86XK_Launch9      0x1008FF49
-#define XF86XK_LaunchA      0x1008FF4A
-#define XF86XK_LaunchB      0x1008FF4B
-#define XF86XK_LaunchC      0x1008FF4C
-#define XF86XK_LaunchD      0x1008FF4D
-#define XF86XK_LaunchE      0x1008FF4E
-#define XF86XK_LaunchF      0x1008FF4F
+#define XF86XK_MonBrightnessUp     0x1008FF02
+#define XF86XK_MonBrightnessDown   0x1008FF03
+#define XF86XK_KbdLightOnOff       0x1008FF04
+#define XF86XK_KbdBrightnessUp     0x1008FF05
+#define XF86XK_KbdBrightnessDown   0x1008FF06
+#define XF86XK_Standby             0x1008FF10
+#define XF86XK_AudioLowerVolume	   0x1008FF11
+#define XF86XK_AudioMute           0x1008FF12
+#define XF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume    0x1008FF13
+#define XF86XK_AudioPlay           0x1008FF14
+#define XF86XK_AudioStop           0x1008FF15
+#define XF86XK_AudioPrev           0x1008FF16
+#define XF86XK_AudioNext           0x1008FF17
+#define XF86XK_HomePage            0x1008FF18
+#define XF86XK_Mail                0x1008FF19
+#define XF86XK_Start               0x1008FF1A
+#define XF86XK_Search              0x1008FF1B
+#define XF86XK_AudioRecord         0x1008FF1C
+#define XF86XK_Calculator          0x1008FF1D
+#define XF86XK_Memo                0x1008FF1E
+#define XF86XK_ToDoList            0x1008FF1F
+#define XF86XK_Calendar            0x1008FF20
+#define XF86XK_PowerDown           0x1008FF21
+#define XF86XK_ContrastAdjust      0x1008FF22
+#define XF86XK_Back                0x1008FF26
+#define XF86XK_Forward             0x1008FF27
+#define XF86XK_Stop                0x1008FF28
+#define XF86XK_Refresh             0x1008FF29
+#define XF86XK_PowerOff            0x1008FF2A
+#define XF86XK_WakeUp              0x1008FF2B
+#define XF86XK_Eject               0x1008FF2C
+#define XF86XK_ScreenSaver         0x1008FF2D
+#define XF86XK_WWW                 0x1008FF2E
+#define XF86XK_Sleep               0x1008FF2F
+#define XF86XK_Favorites           0x1008FF30
+#define XF86XK_AudioPause          0x1008FF31
+#define XF86XK_AudioMedia          0x1008FF32
+#define XF86XK_MyComputer          0x1008FF33
+#define XF86XK_LightBulb           0x1008FF35
+#define XF86XK_Shop                0x1008FF36
+#define XF86XK_History             0x1008FF37
+#define XF86XK_OpenURL             0x1008FF38
+#define XF86XK_AddFavorite         0x1008FF39
+#define XF86XK_HotLinks            0x1008FF3A
+#define XF86XK_BrightnessAdjust    0x1008FF3B
+#define XF86XK_Finance             0x1008FF3C
+#define XF86XK_Community           0x1008FF3D
+#define XF86XK_AudioRewind         0x1008FF3E
+#define XF86XK_BackForward         0x1008FF3F
+#define XF86XK_Launch0             0x1008FF40
+#define XF86XK_Launch1             0x1008FF41
+#define XF86XK_Launch2             0x1008FF42
+#define XF86XK_Launch3             0x1008FF43
+#define XF86XK_Launch4             0x1008FF44
+#define XF86XK_Launch5             0x1008FF45
+#define XF86XK_Launch6             0x1008FF46
+#define XF86XK_Launch7             0x1008FF47
+#define XF86XK_Launch8             0x1008FF48
+#define XF86XK_Launch9             0x1008FF49
+#define XF86XK_LaunchA             0x1008FF4A
+#define XF86XK_LaunchB             0x1008FF4B
+#define XF86XK_LaunchC             0x1008FF4C
+#define XF86XK_LaunchD             0x1008FF4D
+#define XF86XK_LaunchE             0x1008FF4E
+#define XF86XK_LaunchF             0x1008FF4F
+#define XF86XK_ApplicationLeft     0x1008FF50
+#define XF86XK_ApplicationRight    0x1008FF51
+#define XF86XK_Book                0x1008FF52
+#define XF86XK_CD                  0x1008FF53
+#define XF86XK_Calculater          0x1008FF54
+#define XF86XK_Clear               0x1008FF55
+#define XF86XK_ClearGrab           0x1008FE21
+#define XF86XK_Close               0x1008FF56
+#define XF86XK_Copy                0x1008FF57
+#define XF86XK_Cut                 0x1008FF58
+#define XF86XK_Display             0x1008FF59
+#define XF86XK_DOS                 0x1008FF5A
+#define XF86XK_Documents           0x1008FF5B
+#define XF86XK_Excel               0x1008FF5C
+#define XF86XK_Explorer            0x1008FF5D
+#define XF86XK_Game                0x1008FF5E
+#define XF86XK_Go                  0x1008FF5F
+#define XF86XK_iTouch              0x1008FF60
+#define XF86XK_LogOff              0x1008FF61
+#define XF86XK_Market              0x1008FF62
+#define XF86XK_Meeting             0x1008FF63
+#define XF86XK_MenuKB              0x1008FF65
+#define XF86XK_MenuPB              0x1008FF66
+#define XF86XK_MySites             0x1008FF67
+#define XF86XK_News                0x1008FF69
+#define XF86XK_OfficeHome          0x1008FF6A
+#define XF86XK_Option              0x1008FF6C
+#define XF86XK_Paste               0x1008FF6D
+#define XF86XK_Phone               0x1008FF6E
+#define XF86XK_Reply               0x1008FF72
+#define XF86XK_Reload              0x1008FF73
+#define XF86XK_RotateWindows       0x1008FF74
+#define XF86XK_RotationPB          0x1008FF75
+#define XF86XK_RotationKB          0x1008FF76
+#define XF86XK_Save                0x1008FF77
+#define XF86XK_Send                0x1008FF7B
+#define XF86XK_Spell               0x1008FF7C
+#define XF86XK_SplitScreen         0x1008FF7D
+#define XF86XK_Support             0x1008FF7E
+#define XF86XK_TaskPane            0x1008FF7F
+#define XF86XK_Terminal            0x1008FF80
+#define XF86XK_Tools               0x1008FF81
+#define XF86XK_Travel              0x1008FF82
+#define XF86XK_Video               0x1008FF87
+#define XF86XK_Word                0x1008FF89
+#define XF86XK_Xfer                0x1008FF8A
+#define XF86XK_ZoomIn              0x1008FF8B
+#define XF86XK_ZoomOut             0x1008FF8C
+#define XF86XK_Away                0x1008FF8D
+#define XF86XK_Messenger           0x1008FF8E
+#define XF86XK_WebCam              0x1008FF8F
+#define XF86XK_MailForward         0x1008FF90
+#define XF86XK_Pictures            0x1008FF91
+#define XF86XK_Music               0x1008FF92
+#define XF86XK_Battery             0x1008FF93
+#define XF86XK_Bluetooth           0x1008FF94
+#define XF86XK_WLAN                0x1008FF95
+#define XF86XK_UWB                 0x1008FF96
+#define XF86XK_AudioForward        0x1008FF97
+#define XF86XK_AudioRepeat         0x1008FF98
+#define XF86XK_AudioRandomPlay     0x1008FF99
+#define XF86XK_Subtitle            0x1008FF9A
+#define XF86XK_AudioCycleTrack     0x1008FF9B
+#define XF86XK_Time                0x1008FF9F
+#define XF86XK_Select              0x1008FFA0
+#define XF86XK_View                0x1008FFA1
+#define XF86XK_TopMenu             0x1008FFA2
+#define XF86XK_Suspend             0x1008FFA7
+#define XF86XK_Hibernate           0x1008FFA8
 // end of XF86keysyms.h
-    { Qt::Key_Standby,    XF86XK_Standby },
+    { Qt::Key_Back,       XF86XK_Back },
+    { Qt::Key_Forward,    XF86XK_Forward },
+    { Qt::Key_Stop,       XF86XK_Stop },
+    { Qt::Key_Refresh,    XF86XK_Refresh },
+    { Qt::Key_Favorites,  XF86XK_Favorites },
+    { Qt::Key_LaunchMedia, XF86XK_AudioMedia },
+    { Qt::Key_OpenUrl,    XF86XK_OpenURL },
+    { Qt::Key_HomePage,   XF86XK_HomePage },
+    { Qt::Key_Search,     XF86XK_Search },
     { Qt::Key_VolumeDown, XF86XK_AudioLowerVolume },
     { Qt::Key_VolumeMute, XF86XK_AudioMute },
     { Qt::Key_VolumeUp,   XF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume },
@@ -249,19 +352,107 @@
     { Qt::Key_MediaStop,  XF86XK_AudioStop },
     { Qt::Key_MediaPrevious,  XF86XK_AudioPrev },
     { Qt::Key_MediaNext,  XF86XK_AudioNext },
-    { Qt::Key_HomePage,   XF86XK_HomePage },
-    { Qt::Key_LaunchMail, XF86XK_Mail },
-    { Qt::Key_Search,     XF86XK_Search },
     { Qt::Key_MediaRecord, XF86XK_AudioRecord },
-    { Qt::Key_LaunchMedia, XF86XK_AudioMedia },
-    { Qt::Key_Launch1,    XF86XK_Calculator },
-    { Qt::Key_Back,       XF86XK_Back },
-    { Qt::Key_Forward,    XF86XK_Forward },
-    { Qt::Key_Stop,       XF86XK_Stop },
-    { Qt::Key_Refresh,    XF86XK_Refresh },
-    { Qt::Key_Favorites,  XF86XK_Favorites },
+    { Qt::Key_LaunchMail, XF86XK_Mail },
     { Qt::Key_Launch0,    XF86XK_MyComputer },
-    { Qt::Key_OpenUrl,    XF86XK_OpenURL },
+    { Qt::Key_Calculator,    XF86XK_Calculator },
+    { Qt::Key_Memo,    XF86XK_Memo },
+    { Qt::Key_ToDoList,    XF86XK_ToDoList },
+    { Qt::Key_Calendar,    XF86XK_Calendar },
+    { Qt::Key_PowerDown,    XF86XK_PowerDown },
+    { Qt::Key_ContrastAdjust,    XF86XK_ContrastAdjust },
+    { Qt::Key_Standby,    XF86XK_Standby },
+    { Qt::Key_MonBrightnessUp,  XF86XK_MonBrightnessUp },
+    { Qt::Key_MonBrightnessDown,  XF86XK_MonBrightnessDown },
+    { Qt::Key_KeyboardLightOnOff,  XF86XK_KbdLightOnOff },
+    { Qt::Key_KeyboardBrightnessUp,  XF86XK_KbdBrightnessUp },
+    { Qt::Key_KeyboardBrightnessDown,  XF86XK_KbdBrightnessDown },
+    { Qt::Key_PowerOff,  XF86XK_PowerOff },
+    { Qt::Key_WakeUp,  XF86XK_WakeUp },
+    { Qt::Key_Eject,  XF86XK_Eject },
+    { Qt::Key_ScreenSaver,  XF86XK_ScreenSaver },
+    { Qt::Key_WWW,  XF86XK_WWW },
+    { Qt::Key_Sleep,  XF86XK_Sleep },
+    { Qt::Key_LightBulb,  XF86XK_LightBulb },
+    { Qt::Key_Shop,  XF86XK_Shop },
+    { Qt::Key_History,  XF86XK_History },
+    { Qt::Key_AddFavorite,  XF86XK_AddFavorite },
+    { Qt::Key_HotLinks,  XF86XK_HotLinks },
+    { Qt::Key_BrightnessAdjust,  XF86XK_BrightnessAdjust },
+    { Qt::Key_Finance,  XF86XK_Finance },
+    { Qt::Key_Community,  XF86XK_Community },
+    { Qt::Key_AudioRewind,  XF86XK_AudioRewind },
+    { Qt::Key_BackForward,  XF86XK_BackForward },
+    { Qt::Key_ApplicationLeft,  XF86XK_ApplicationLeft },
+    { Qt::Key_ApplicationRight,  XF86XK_ApplicationRight },
+    { Qt::Key_Book,  XF86XK_Book },
+    { Qt::Key_CD,  XF86XK_CD },
+    { Qt::Key_Calculator,  XF86XK_Calculater },
+    { Qt::Key_Clear,  XF86XK_Clear },
+    { Qt::Key_ClearGrab,  XF86XK_ClearGrab },
+    { Qt::Key_Close,  XF86XK_Close },
+    { Qt::Key_Copy,  XF86XK_Copy },
+    { Qt::Key_Cut,  XF86XK_Cut },
+    { Qt::Key_Display,  XF86XK_Display },
+    { Qt::Key_DOS,  XF86XK_DOS },
+    { Qt::Key_Documents,  XF86XK_Documents },
+    { Qt::Key_Excel,  XF86XK_Excel },
+    { Qt::Key_Explorer,  XF86XK_Explorer },
+    { Qt::Key_Game,  XF86XK_Game },
+    { Qt::Key_Go,  XF86XK_Go },
+    { Qt::Key_iTouch,  XF86XK_iTouch },
+    { Qt::Key_LogOff,  XF86XK_LogOff },
+    { Qt::Key_Market,  XF86XK_Market },
+    { Qt::Key_Meeting,  XF86XK_Meeting },
+    { Qt::Key_MenuKB,  XF86XK_MenuKB },
+    { Qt::Key_MenuPB,  XF86XK_MenuPB },
+    { Qt::Key_MySites,  XF86XK_MySites },
+    { Qt::Key_News,  XF86XK_News },
+    { Qt::Key_OfficeHome,  XF86XK_OfficeHome },
+    { Qt::Key_Option,  XF86XK_Option },
+    { Qt::Key_Paste,  XF86XK_Paste },
+    { Qt::Key_Phone,  XF86XK_Phone },
+    { Qt::Key_Reply,  XF86XK_Reply },
+    { Qt::Key_Reload,  XF86XK_Reload },
+    { Qt::Key_RotateWindows,  XF86XK_RotateWindows },
+    { Qt::Key_RotationPB,  XF86XK_RotationPB },
+    { Qt::Key_RotationKB,  XF86XK_RotationKB },
+    { Qt::Key_Save,  XF86XK_Save },
+    { Qt::Key_Send,  XF86XK_Send },
+    { Qt::Key_Spell,  XF86XK_Spell },
+    { Qt::Key_SplitScreen,  XF86XK_SplitScreen },
+    { Qt::Key_Support,  XF86XK_Support },
+    { Qt::Key_TaskPane,  XF86XK_TaskPane },
+    { Qt::Key_Terminal,  XF86XK_Terminal },
+    { Qt::Key_Tools,  XF86XK_Tools },
+    { Qt::Key_Travel,  XF86XK_Travel },
+    { Qt::Key_Video,  XF86XK_Video },
+    { Qt::Key_Word,  XF86XK_Word },
+    { Qt::Key_Xfer,  XF86XK_Xfer },
+    { Qt::Key_ZoomIn,  XF86XK_ZoomIn },
+    { Qt::Key_ZoomOut,  XF86XK_ZoomOut },
+    { Qt::Key_Away,  XF86XK_Away },
+    { Qt::Key_Messenger,  XF86XK_Messenger },
+    { Qt::Key_WebCam,  XF86XK_WebCam },
+    { Qt::Key_MailForward,  XF86XK_MailForward },
+    { Qt::Key_Pictures,  XF86XK_Pictures },
+    { Qt::Key_Music,  XF86XK_Music },
+    { Qt::Key_Battery,  XF86XK_Battery },
+    { Qt::Key_Bluetooth,  XF86XK_Bluetooth },
+    { Qt::Key_WLAN,  XF86XK_WLAN },
+    { Qt::Key_UWB,  XF86XK_UWB },
+    { Qt::Key_AudioForward,  XF86XK_AudioForward },
+    { Qt::Key_AudioRepeat,  XF86XK_AudioRepeat },
+    { Qt::Key_AudioRandomPlay,  XF86XK_AudioRandomPlay },
+    { Qt::Key_Subtitle,  XF86XK_Subtitle },
+    { Qt::Key_AudioCycleTrack,  XF86XK_AudioCycleTrack },
+    { Qt::Key_Time,  XF86XK_Time },
+    { Qt::Key_Select,  XF86XK_Select },
+    { Qt::Key_View,  XF86XK_View },
+    { Qt::Key_TopMenu,  XF86XK_TopMenu },
+    { Qt::Key_Bluetooth,  XF86XK_Bluetooth },
+    { Qt::Key_Suspend,  XF86XK_Suspend },
+    { Qt::Key_Hibernate,  XF86XK_Hibernate },
     { Qt::Key_Launch2,    XF86XK_Launch0 },
     { Qt::Key_Launch3,    XF86XK_Launch1 },
     { Qt::Key_Launch4,    XF86XK_Launch2 },

Index: kdelibs.spec
RCS file: /cvs/pkgs/rpms/kdelibs/F-12/kdelibs.spec,v
retrieving revision 1.526
retrieving revision 1.527
diff -u -p -r1.526 -r1.527
--- kdelibs.spec	13 Nov 2009 16:52:11 -0000	1.526
+++ kdelibs.spec	14 Nov 2009 01:52:47 -0000	1.527
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 %define phonon_ver 4.3.1
-%define soprano_ver 2.3.0
+%define soprano_ver 2.3.1
 %define strigi_ver 0.7
 Summary: K Desktop Environment 4 - Libraries
 Version: 4.3.3
-Release: 3%{?dist}
+Release: 4%{?dist}
 Name: kdelibs
 Epoch: 6
@@ -78,8 +78,12 @@ Patch22: kdelibs-4.3.0-bookmarks.patch
 Patch24: kdelibs-4.3.1-drkonq.patch
 # fix build of fakes.c due to missing #include <string.h>
 Patch25: kdelibs-4.3.3-fix-kdefakes-build.patch
+# use -fno-var-tracking on khtml/svg bits
+Patch26: kdelibs-4.3.3-khtml_svg_no_var_tracking_assignments.patch
 # upstream
+# kubuntu working to upstream this
+Patch50: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdelibs/ubuntu/download/head:/kubuntu_80_kaction_q-20091014221915-y11xctvidhr0ewmz-1/kubuntu_80_kaction_qt_keys.diff
 # 4.4 trunk
 # http://websvn.kde.org/?view=revision&revision=1027234
 # add adFilteredBy API required for konq-plugins-4.3.3 to build
@@ -203,8 +207,11 @@ format for easy browsing.
 %patch24 -p1 -b .drkonq
 %patch25 -p1 -b .fix-kdefakes-build
+## apply only when doing local builds, helps avoid failures in Rex's box with meager 2mb ram
+#patch26 -p1 -b .khtml_svg_no_var_tracking_assignments
 # upstream patches
+%patch50 -p1 -b .kaction_qt_keys
 # 4.4
 %patch100 -p0 -b .adFilteredBy
@@ -399,6 +406,10 @@ rm -rf %{buildroot}
+* Fri Nov 13 2009 Rex Dieter <rdieter at fedoraproject.org> - 4.3.3-4
+- kubuntu_80_kaction_qt_keys.diff (#475247)
+- soprano_ver 2.3.1
 * Fri Nov 13 2009 Than Ngo <than at redhat.com> - 4.3.3-3
 - rhel cleanup, fix conditional for RHEL

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