packaging mpich2 -- conflicts with lam and file layoutb

Tom 'spot' Callaway tcallawa at
Tue Nov 8 23:26:31 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-11-08 at 11:42 -0500, Deji Akingunola wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> > I'd rather do this:
> >
> > %{_libdir}/${MPI_IMPL_NAME}/
> > %{_includedir}/${MPI_IMPL_NAME}/
> >
> > And use something like alternatives to manage the binaries, without
> > putting them in a "magic" dir that violates the FHS.
> >
> If I understand you very well, you mean doing it the jpackage/java way
> - putting the _bindir, _libdir, and _includedir in 
> %{_libdir}/${MPI_IMPL_NAME}/ - is discouraged and should not be used ?

Yes. This violates the FHS. Thou shalt not put binaries in /usr/lib, nor
in /usr/include.

> The problem using the style you proposed above, is that these
> different mpi implementations provides the same standard mpi binaries
> {mpicc,mpicxx,mpif90,mpif77,mpirun}, and man pages too. How can those
> be taken care of.

Binaries need to live in %{_bindir}. By using alternatives, you can
choose the implementation which provides "mpicc". The catch is that each
package which provides "mpicc" needs to rename that to
"mpicc.${MPI_IMPL_NAME}". I'm willing to work with the lam maintainer to
make sure that we do this for FC5.

Look at sendmail and postfix for an example of how this should work.

Tom "spot" Callaway: Red Hat Senior Sales Engineer || GPG ID: 93054260
Fedora Extras Steering Committee Member (RPM Standards and Practices)
Aurora Linux Project Leader:
Lemurs, llamas, and sparcs, oh my!

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