A lot of obsolete rpms in FE currently

Jeff Carlson jeff at ultimateevil.org
Tue Oct 18 17:34:21 UTC 2005

Warren Togami wrote:
> I have added it to http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraExtrasSchedule so 
> the next Thursday meeting the steering committee will decide on a 
> purging policy.

I have a suggestion, although I'm not quite sure how to implement it and 
I'm positive it will open up a huge can o' worms nobody will want to 
deal with, but how about a graveyard somewhere on the main FTP servers? 
  Mirrors don't necessarily need to sync it, and it probably shouldn't 
even be in a yum conf or even createrepo enabled.  But someone who needs 
something can dig up an old corpse.

So far this idea is only half baked.  Perhaps it will seed a better idea 
so I figured I'd toss it out there.

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