Bunch of new Fonts added to wishlist

Máirín Duffy duffy at redhat.com
Sun Nov 25 04:52:28 UTC 2007

Hi folks,

I just added a bunch of fonts to the font sig wishlist [1]. These are 
fonts that I thought were pretty high-quality from an artistic POV from 
the list of fonts [2] that I put together a couple of months back. I 
would love to see some of these in F9 for the Art Studio spin.

I updated the spreadsheet [3] there, coloring fonts that are already in 
Fedora blue, ones that are proposed on the wishlist green, and those 
with an unacceptable license in grey.

I may go through some of the links at the top of the wishlist page and 
see if I can find more suitably-licensed fonts; If I do I will update 
the list below.

Anyhow, here's the list that I just added:

mgopen canonica
mgopen cosmetica
mgopen modata
mgopen moderna
gillius adf
GFS Didot
GFS Bodoni
GFS Neohellenic
GFS Artemisia
GFS Theokritos
GFS Olga
GFS Didot Classic
GFS Porson
GFS Baskerville
GFS Bodoni Classic
GFS Gazis
GFS Solomos
GFS Porson
GFS Complutum
Delphine Regular
Steve Hand
Dustismo Sans
Dustismo Roman
Dark Garden
Tuffy MH3
Essays 1743
Stay Puft
To Be Continued
Letters Laughing
Rubbing Font
Banana Peels


[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Fonts/Triaging/Pipeline/WishList
[2] http://duffy.fedorapeople.org/fonts
[3] http://duffy.fedorapeople.org/fonts/font-study.ods

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