[Openfontlibrary] [Fwd: Updates of liberation-fonts.]

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Wed May 7 18:52:19 UTC 2008

Le mercredi 07 mai 2008 à 15:07 -0300, Gustavo Ferreira a écrit :
> hello,
>  > http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=45785
> reading the changelog in the link above, it seems like there were  
> only small changes in some metainfo fields, and no changes in the  
> design (except for "alignement mismatch dot accents") -- is that
> right?

My (limited) understanding is Liberation is getting re-hosted from
RedHat to Fedora with the objective to set it up as a normal floss
project, with regular public releases, scripted build-from-source, sfd
sources in a VCS, patch merging, etc.

So the first step is not so much changing the font as switching its
infrastructure so it can be maintained as a community project (like
DejaVu, Lohit, etc)

You can get more answers on the Fedora fonts list

> also: was the license updated to plain GPL+font exception, without  
> the polemic extra clauses under which the first release came out?
> and finally: is there a zip with the current ttf versions of the  
> fonts somewhere?

Nicolas Mailhot
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