Looking for someone to pull / manage Games Spin for F-10

Jeroen van Meeuwen kanarip at kanarip.com
Sun Aug 3 02:01:46 UTC 2008

Wart wrote:
> I started working on getting the Games spin working for Rawhide, but
> kept running into out of space errors.  I think the contents of the spin
> may be a bit too large at the moment.  The -desktop spin built ok.
> FWIW, livecd-creator failed to even parse the .ks files on RHEL5.2.
> I'll file a bz ticket on that one.

I hope you are able to test the .ks on F9's / rawhide's livecd-tools as 
well, because I don't think the good old livecd-tools that is in EPEL-5 
takes the "part / xxxx" kickstart configuration directive into account 
when creating the filesystem to install the packages to, and only F9's / 
rawhide's livecd-tools have the necessary patches to make the "part / 
xxxx" configuration directive overrideable.

Kind regards,

Jeroen van Meeuwen

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