[Fedora-ia64-list] Fedora ia64 packages status 2008-6-22

Zhan, Yi yi.zhan at intel.com
Sun Jun 22 16:34:34 UTC 2008

The package building process has moved on to catch up with dist-f10 of
primary arches. The f9 tree would not continue to take new changes other
than critical fixes. Compared to f9 tree, we have some regression but
not big. Many broken dependencies in f9 tree have been fixed and the
rate of "Packages updated" would grow higher soon when the packages
failed with dependencies issues are limit to just the ones who depend on
arch excluded packages and build error packages. 

Packages available:     5569 / 5814 (97.1%)
Packages updated:       5337 / 5551 (94.6%)

All failed builds:      312
Arch excluded:          67
Build errors:           80
Dependency issues:      165

=============== Packages with build errors ===============
jgroups                 newsx                   mesa
gtk-sharp               tachyon                 guile
gstm                    google-perftools        sudo
airsnort                ice                     snort
ruby-bdb                clisp                   OpenSceneGraph
gdmap                   oorexx                  dietlibc
pcmanx-gtk2             gcl                     sunbird
straw                   mosml                   gnome-power-manager
oggconvert              plt-scheme              libx86
sos                     Glide3                  chess
callweaver              monotone                crystalspace
GtkAda                  libzzub                 gkrellm-wifi
planets                 postgresql-plruby       ikarus
ccrtp                   Pixie                   gstreamer-plugins-good
csound                  grub                    xen
atlascpp                gnuradio                java-1.6.0-openjdk
R-Matrix                mono-debugger           perl-Convert-Binary-C
linkage                 ocaml-cil               perl-Net-Netmask
scalapack               nx                      xbase
esc                     ocaml-camomile          uim
gwget                   sipp                    hdf5
lush                    cln                     eclipse
polyml                  seamonkey               bmpx
ladspa-swh-plugins      thunderbird             cluster
plotmm                  atlas                   frysk
libEMF                  gridengine              pidgin-otr
vdrift                  upx

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