rsync fixups for secondary1

Matt Domsch Matt_Domsch at
Sat Nov 1 05:31:43 UTC 2008

I'd like to do the following to prevent our rsync hosts such as
secondary1 from being overloaded.

diff --git a/configs/system/rsync.xinetd b/configs/system/rsync.xinetd
index 8976dd7..f5b5dbc 100644
--- a/configs/system/rsync.xinetd
+++ b/configs/system/rsync.xinetd
@@ -10,4 +10,7 @@ service rsync
         server          = /usr/bin/rsync
         server_args     = --daemon
         log_on_failure  += USERID
+       instances       = 10
+       per_source      = 2
+       max_load        = 20
diff --git a/configs/system/rsyncd.conf.secondary b/configs/system/rsyncd.conf.secondary
index 6c12db1..9101e05 100644
--- a/configs/system/rsyncd.conf.secondary
+++ b/configs/system/rsyncd.conf.secondary
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ syslog facility = daemon
 dont compress = *.gz *.tgz *.zip *.z *.rpm *.deb *.bz2 *.iso
 use chroot = false
 transfer logging = false
+timeout = 600

 path = /srv/pub/fedora-secondary

This limits the number of simultaneous rsync clients to 10, at most 2
per IP (I had to kill a client with 10 open connections), establishes
a max load above which it stops serving clients, and establishes a 10
minute I/O timeout (no I/O after 10 minutes, close the connection).

These numbers are completely arbitrary, but should decrease the load
seen on secondary1, which tonight was at

04:57:21 up 15 days, 11:42,  1 user,  load average: 95.35, 136.54, 99.04

Acks please.


Matt Domsch
Linux Technology Strategist, Dell Office of the CTO &

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