Pre-release kernel versioning

Axel Thimm Axel.Thimm at
Tue May 1 12:44:28 UTC 2007

> I'd like to put a old but still valid discussion on the table again
> where a solution never was found: Pre-release kernel versioning.

Yes, please, and the solution is to handle the kernel rpm just like
any other prerelease package. There is no reason not to adhear with
the guidelines while at the same time easing life on oot modules.

Sure, 2.6.35-rc1 is neither 2.6.34, nor 2.6.35, but the rc1 is
typically already that much close to the final release API-wise that
you will have lot less build failures and required patchwork.

> kernel-2.6.22-1.3200.fc7.rc2.git15

Or even better since the extra version parts are supposed to come
before the disttag:


If the next package contains an upstream change (rc2.git16, rc3 etc)
then continue with 2.6.22-1.rc..., if it is a golden release, just go
2.6.22-2.fc7, and if it is a patch/specfile change only, then also
upper the buildid.
Axel.Thimm at
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