no mandatory QA testing at all [Re: crazy thought about how to ease QA testing]

Jesse Keating jkeating at
Tue Feb 14 21:04:22 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-02-14 at 14:58 -0600, Mike McCarty wrote:
> AIUI, there will be objects put into "testing". These then will be
> automatically moved to "rlease" state after either some QA takes
> place, or some time lapses, whichever comes first. IMO, this is
> tantamount to merging "test" and "release" states.
> Always willing to be corrected if I have misunderstood the
> proposal. 

Nope, you understand it correctly.  This does not mean that no QA work
gets done.  The sources are QAd before they can ever go to
updates-testing.  The updates-testing QA is a final smoke test to make
sure something really stupid didn't happen in the build process.  A lot
of the 'stupid things' a build process can do can also be auto checked
during the build and I'll be looking to enable these.

Our hope is that if this proposal scares some people, it will scare them
into finding ways to help out the project so that little to no packages
escape updates-testing w/out some QA done on it.

Jesse Keating RHCE      (
Fedora Legacy Team      (
GPG Public Key          (
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