up2date not automatic

Daniel Robitaille fedora at robitaille.fastmail.fm
Wed Dec 24 22:26:59 UTC 2003

On Wed, 24 Dec 2003, Tom Mitchell wrote:
> To get the full path it may be necessary to visit the site by
> hand with a browser and drill down a little.  Good guesses may
> work once the structure is understood.
> For example on the mirrors.html page there is a line:
>    http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/core/
> For Fedora this needs to be more fully qualified.  Something like
> this pair:
>    http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/core/updates/1/i386/
>    http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/core/1/i386/os/	<--unchecked
> Anyhow by running the tool from a command line and paying
> attention to the error boxes it is possible to drill down and
> find what you need to add to the basic mirror URL be it http or
> ftp.

Personally I find this process of manually trying to figure out the
actual URL of these yum repos very annoying.
It would be very nice if yum.conf came with dozens of these mirrors
commented out so that it simply a question of selecting one after the
installation.  Or you could go and
uncomment all of them and let yum randomly pick one in the list to
spread out the load between mirrors (and away from redhat.com servers).

Daniel Robitaille

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