pgp signature test

Elton Woo elwoo at
Sun Dec 28 00:14:25 UTC 2003

Chuck Mead wrote:

> Go grab Enigmail and your gpg signing/management become a snap with
> mozilla -mail.

This thread has caught my eye, and I've read all the replies _up to_
and _including_ yours. I've installed enigmail (the version) for
Mozilla 1.4, by launching mozilla from a root console, so it is now
enabled for all users, and I now see "Enigsend" in the menu items
when composing mail.

Messages that have been signed, now show a red question mark
with a pencil through it, and I have the option of importing the key.

(I am sending this message unencrypted, though).

Is there anything else that I need? ...I note a related thread titled:
 "Open PGP plug-in?", where there is mention of cryptplug.
Do I need to install this? Or is enigmail all that I need? I haven't
yet generated my keys, as I'm a bit wary of (involuntarily)
creating a "junk" (i.e. unreadable) message, though I would
like to test it (on the list, or off-list, if possible).

FWIW, I did generate key(s) when I was using kmail, but I
never used them (or uploaded a public key). Instead I expunged
those keys from my system, until I was sure that I properly
understood the procedure, and was able to backup this important
data. Currently, I am (very rarely) using my Thawte Personal
Certificate in the few instances where I may desire to encrypt
or sign mail, but I'm more inclined towards using PGP...



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