Advice please Java / php / html

Richard Welty rwelty at
Thu Apr 1 20:19:49 UTC 2004

On Tue, 30 Mar 2004 10:16:37 +0100 Adam Cooper <adam.cooper at> wrote:
> if you've got any kind of OO programming experience i.e. C++, Java,
> Smalltalk, then you might want to consider the Java/Servlet/JSP route.
> However if you haven't then PHP is a doddle to get into and relatively
> easy to produce good results with.

working my way through email that piled up while i was busy earlier
this week...

i agree, more-or-less, but i think this should be expanded upon, as
there are a lot of issues.

php is a flawed language in many regards, but you get used to it
quickly and it's possible to write working code in a hurry. it shares
some defects with most any of the traditional script/cgi style
approaches, which is that it has poor scaling properties and it's
incredibly easy to write large quantities of bad code without
realizing it. perl along with pure jsp/asp solutions all can end up
in this place -- unscalable, badly organized code.

java can be done equally badly, but the tools exist in java (ejb,
struts, servlets, etc) to facilitate very good, very scalable code.
the downside is that java is a pain for small projects. prototyping
something quickly in java is much, much harder than doing it
in php.

what i tend to do is prototype in php, but i code in a javaesque
style, using php objects that are analogous to the objects i
might use in java. i generally hide my database tables behind
php objects, to provide a measure of abstraction and isolation.
the goal is to produce 1) cleaner code and 2) a template that
can be useful if you hit the scaling wall with php and need to
go to a java version.

Richard Welty                                         rwelty at
Averill Park Networking                                         518-573-7592
    Java, PHP, PostgreSQL, Unix, Linux, IP Network Engineering, Security

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