up2date site not working?

david walcroft david_walcroft at
Thu Aug 19 00:46:42 UTC 2004

Edward wrote:

> Fair call. This whole mirror thing is only half working I'm afraid. A 
> lot of mirrors give me GPG errors when packages download, and I have to 
> do the 'mirror chase' to find a working download.
> I even tried changing my sources and added the .au (I'm in Australia) to 
> the yum-mirrors section to try to get everything from Australia, but 
> using that method, the mirror I get sent to give me a 404 on the header 
> file.
> I'm assuming this will be worked on for FC3, but I'm still disappointed 
> by how little up2date has improved since introduction (even before 
> Fedora I mean). I'm screwed either way. US mirrors are slow, lock or 
> give me GPG errors and Australia mirrors don't work.
> When I get a spare minute in my day, I'll have to chase the RPMs 
> manually I think.
> Regards,
> Ed.
Which mirror/s do you use,I use planetmirror (Brisbane) for FC 2, and KDE when needed but haven't chased up any others -,ATrpms,freshrpm,newrpms.
Have you tried Pacific,ftp.netcraft,AARnet.


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