FC3 and Amarok

Bruno Santos bvsantos at hal.min-saude.pt
Tue Dec 21 17:29:39 UTC 2004

Hello all.

i've been using xmms for playing mp3 for a long time.. Now, with FC3 ive 
seen amarok and i intend to used it.
but ive done everything and i cant get to make it play mp3. In my work 
computer, i can use amarok to play mp3 when choosing the xine engine for 
amarok to use, but at home, the only engine i can choose from is 
gstreamer. im using gnome as my window manager.
dows anyone have any ideia how can i get amarok to play mp3 with 
gstreamer (since it is, i belive, the default engine), or at least, make 
the xine engine at my home to be possible to choose ? i dont know what 
ive done at work for the xine-engine to apear as a choice... just 
installed !!!

cheers and Merry  Christmas
Bruno Santos

Say no to Software patents


bvsantos at hal.min-saude.pt


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