firefox and java

Claude Jones claude_jones at
Tue Dec 21 22:22:01 UTC 2004

Gerhard Magnus wrote:
||| If you are using Firefox, you would want to put the link in
||| the "firefox/plugins" directory... not mozilla's plugin
||| directory. 
| OK, makes sense.  The closest I could find to "firefox/plugins"
| was the directory /usr/lib/firefox-0.10.1.  I created a
| subdirectory "plugins" and put the link
| to /usr/java/jre1.5.0/plugin/i386/ns7/
| there.  I still keep getting these perplexing firefox messages
| (now from several webpages.)

You got close. Look again and see if you see
That's where you have to put the link... I just went through this.

Claude Jones
Bluemont, VA, USA

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