yum horror

Kristian Poul Herkild kristian at herkild.dk
Thu Dec 30 21:06:15 UTC 2004

Axel Thimm wrote:

>On Thu, Dec 30, 2004 at 11:48:48AM -0600, Brian Fahrlander wrote:
>>On Thu, 2004-12-30 at 18:23 +0100, Marcel Janssen wrote:
>>>When trying yum with ATrpms, I find that dependencies get not resolved and 
>>>this makes yum almost unusable.
>>>Is there a fix ?
>>    Don't take this wrong, but yeah.
>>    rpm -ve --nodeps `rpm -vq | grep AT` (remove all "AT" rpms)
>>    yum --disablerepo atrpms update  (update)
>>    There's been many an argument over what is, and is not needed to fix
>>that repo,
>You won't blame the food if the spoon is broken, or will you? ;)
>The packages are fine, yum is having some trouble
>At least some of the bugs are said to be fixed by the latest released
>yum. You can also try apt/up2date and if you are willing to use a very
>promising resolver in beta stadium go smart! :)
>>and I've been right where you are...which is why I just don't use it
>>anymore.  Google the wars and rumors of wars...but don't bother.
>You mean the wars against bugs? ;)
>>    The "AT" there might be lower case, instead...you get the idea.
Hmm... I'm using apt-get and I've had the same troubles with the 
smartpm did solve it - to a certain extent - but right now I'm 
downgrading from .at-packages to packages more easy-going on my system.
It may be the spoon which is the problem, but if all spoons are 
broken,the soup may be too strongly flavoured :P  (sorry for that one)


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