User Linux

M.Hockings veeshooter at
Thu Feb 12 00:50:18 UTC 2004

Vincent wrote:

>On Wed, 2004-02-11 at 06:42, Rui Miguel Seabra wrote:
>>On Wed, 2004-02-11 at 07:51 -0500, James Drabb wrote:
>>>First, let me state that I do despise MS, and I am playing devils
>>>advocate.  However, let us look at the cost over 5 years for RHPW and MS
>>>Windows XP Home.  We need to assume that RH will support RHPW for 5
>>>years and not drop support like RH 9.
>>>RHPW year 1: $50
>>>RHPW year 2: $60 for updates
>>>RHPW year 3: $60 for updates
>>>RHPW year 4: $60 for updates
>>>RHPW year 5: $60 for updates
>>>           $290 over 5 years
>>>MS XP Home year 1: $99
>>>MS XP Home year 2: $0
>>>MS XP Home year 3: $0
>>>MS XP Home year 4: $0
>>>MS XP Home year 5: $0
>>>     $99 over 5 years
>>>Do you see the price difference?
>>Your math is wrong.
>>Do the prices for
>>MS XP Home + Equivalent Developer Tools + Adobe Photoshop + Decent Maths
>>program + Complete Office suite + ....
>>Just so you make a fair comparison.
>Don't forget the cost of certain source code which I hear they now let
>you peek at for around $30,000 =)
>On a serious note though, isn't Gimp and Open Office available for
>windows also? Those costs could be cut.
Possibly, but would not at least WinXP Pro or Win2003 Server be more 
comparable to what you would get with RHPW.


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