FLAME____ Why is the kernel source not included

Ken Johanson fedora at kensystem.com
Fri Oct 15 20:45:02 UTC 2004

>>This I fully agree on, that updates are usually needed anyway, except 
>>that we should be able to do incremental upgrades to the original source 
>>tree, not have to grab entire source trees or prebuilt, one-size-fits 
>>all binaries, at the moment we realize "hey - this distro didnt come 
>>with the src tree - let me donload it or burn it onto disc"
> I'm not even sure what your point is here. :) Where's the "except" coming
> from? What's preventing you from doing this? You don't need the whole source
> tree at all -- just the source for the packages you happen to want to
> rebuild.

I meant to say that its desirable to get the incremental updates using 
any lightweight (or not) methods, say CVS, without downloading a whole 
new rpm (source tree) for each update - or even becoming dependent on rpm...

The incremental upgrades topics seems to make rpm retrieval unusable of 
we are pruning the tree.. would the update rpm also re-fill the tree by 
default? Using rpm-tree including/exclusion args seem harder than using 

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