D-Link 2100 AP no hijacking and extended = )

Claude Jones claude_jones at levitjames.com
Fri Aug 12 02:19:57 UTC 2005

On Thu August 11 2005 4:31 pm, . m a r c o s a u g u s t o wrote:
> It  works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Its always the same.... 3 days trying.. then hours on IRC.. then
> someone just gives me a yum that make everything work...
>  =))
> like mplayer and amule....
> damn... so easy... just 3 "next" and 1 "ok"
> hehehehe
> yum rox,   GUIs rox!
> thanx , thanx , thanx thanx thanx CLaude...
One thing I forgot, Marco, is that you may have to configure dhcp to start on 
reboot - use chkconfig to do that:
from a root prompt - chkconfig --list firestarter
if all levels are set to off, then run - "chkconfig --levels 345 dhcpd on"
(or whatever runlevels you choose to have dhcpd running under)
see "man chkconfig" for details
Claude Jones
Bluemont, VA, USA

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