Accented characters on FC3

Rodolfo Alcázar rodolfo.alcazar at
Fri Aug 26 15:50:49 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-08-26 at 10:18 -0500, Stéphane Bruno wrote:
> ... the problem I have is that I cannot produce the "c cédille" on
> Linux, which is the letter c with a comma-like sign underneath it,
> extensively used in french. On Windows, typing ' + c correctly
> produces the letter I need, but on Linux, the combination produces ć,
> which does not exist in French. Even when I access my Linux box from a
> terminal on Windows, the combination produces the correct letter on
> the Linux box.


I use xmodmap to remap my X keyboard. I use 

xmodmap -e "keycode 48 = dead_acute quotedbl apostrophe"

or the ~/.Xmodmap
[rodolfoap] /home/rodolfoap > cat .Xmodmap
keycode 48 = dead_acute quotedbl apostrophe
[rodolfoap] /home/rodolfoap >

to remap my " and ' key on a US-keyboard. Use man xmodmap to see all options. 
You can replace the ć with a "c cedille" searching the right codes.

Rodolfo Alcazar rodolfo.alcazar at
Netzmanager Padep, GTZ
591-70656800, -22417628

-- Princess Leia:
The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the
more star systems will slip through your fingers.

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