Disk defragmenter in Linux

David L. Gehrt dlg at mail.inanity.net
Sat Dec 24 04:48:01 UTC 2005

> Tim wrote:
> > Tim:

> > Mike McCarty:

> > I was under the impression that the directory structure was recorded in
> > manner that's different from how the files are stored.
> You may know something that I do not. I thought everything was inodes.

If you  look in the Linux  header files you  can see the structure  of a
directory entry  in a directory.  A  directory is a  structured file but
one treated differently by the OS because the directory bit is set in its
inode.  But  like other  files, in some  sense, it  is just bits  on the
platter, albeit with  some structure, as such a  directory IS subject to
possible fragmentation.



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