IP address variable

Anthony E. Greene tony at greene-family.org
Wed Feb 16 22:43:02 UTC 2005

On 16-Feb-2005/10:43 -0600, Bill Gradwohl <bill at ycc.com> wrote:
[about using hostname-i to get IP address]
>That's simply listing the contents of /etc/hosts in a stripped down IP 
>only form. Normally that file doesn't contain the "real" IP address of 
>the box.

Okay. This is only useful for boxes with a static IP. Looks like I get to
keep my script.


This script:

 * Outputs the IP address of the specified interface, or

 * if no interface is specified, output the IP address of the
   interface that has a default route set, or

 * if more than one interface has a default route (uncommon,
   and usually an error) then output an error message and quit.

Anthony E. Greene <mailto:Anthony%20E.%20Greene%20%3Ctony at greene-family.org%3E>
AOL/Yahoo Messenger: TonyG05    HomePage: <http://www.greene-family.org/tony/>
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