Yum and public key issue

Vinicius cviniciusm at terra.com.br
Wed Jan 19 03:20:31 UTC 2005

Richard S. Crawford escreveu:
> I'm trying to install a bunch of packages through Yum.  Unfortunately, for 
> every single package, I get this error message:
> public key not available for //var/cache/yum/kde-redhat-stable/packages/
> Before y'all tell me to do rpm --import /usr/share/rhn/RPG-GPG-KEY-fedora, 
> know that I've already done that.  I've also imported the fedora-test key.  
> Still no joy.  
> What's annoying is that this worked on this machine last night.  And it works 
> on my other machine just fine.  The yum.conf files are identical on both 
> machines, and have not changed on either machine since last night.  The only 
> thing that has changed is that I've added .gnupg to my home directory, 
> containing my various key files for GnuPG to work.
> I've also run "yum clean all" in the hopes that would clear up something in 
> the cache that might be causing the problem, but that didn't work.
> I'm at a loss.  I've Googled quite a bit, but have found nothing beyond 
> importing the key via rpm --import, which I've already done.


"Manually importing gpg key
For rpm-4.1 and newer:
rpm --import http://kde-redhat.sf.net/gpg-pubkey-ff6382fa-3e1ab2ca"

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